

Chapter four:

You think after everyone's failed attempt to lift Thor's hammer would be enough to end the night, but no. There was this ear piercing screech that started to fill the room. I grit my teeth together as I grabbed the side of my head. As quickly as the noise came, it stopped.

Worthy, this robotic voice weakly said. The team and I looked towards the entrance to see this robot wobbling his way while fixing himself. No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers. Said Ultron.

Steve Rodgers removed his gaze from the robot. Stark.

Jarvis, Tony Stark called on the monitor.

I'm sorry, I was asleep, Ultron said. Or I was in a dream.

Tony looked at the small tablet in hand. Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit. Said Tony Stark.

I don't think it's the suit, I mumbled as I stood up.

The robot kept fixing himself. There was this horrible noise. And I was tangled in... in. Ultron was looking at the wires that were attached to him. Strings. I had to kill the other guy. Said Ultron. What guy? Asked Agent Hill.

You killed someone? Steve Rodgers asked in disbelief.

Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices. Replied Ultron.

Who sent you? Thor asked.

Then Ultron started playing back a voice. Tony's voice. Something about a suit of armor around the world.

Ultron, Bruce Banner said. Wait, he was in on it, too? Asked Bruce Banner.

In the flesh, Ultron said. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. Replied Ultron. Thor had his hammer ready, and Agent Hill had her gun out, while I held my hands around my back. I'm on a mission. Ultron said.

What mission? Natasha Romanoff asked.

Peace in our time. Replied Ultron.

Suddenly a lot more of Tony armor wannabes flew in. Steve Rodgers kicked the table up to block one of them, but one still managed to swoop down and tackle Steve Rodgers. Thor swung his hammer on the next one. One went towards Natasha Romanoff, but I brought my hand up the little black glow forming and held the robot in place. I growled before tossing the robot into the other one. I then disappeared into the ground before reappearing behind the one Thor was facing and tackled him on the ground.

I brought my hands up. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.

The robot froze in place, trying to get out of my hold. I grunted as I tossed him towards Thor, who used his hammer to knock the robot across the face. One of the robot's went and grabbed the scepter.. Steve Rodgers rain towards him and jumped on. He started punching the robot, but he brought his hands up. The robot's wrist had little rocket's coming out and used them to slam him and Steve Rodgers against the wall.

I moved out of the way when another robot tried to blast me. I brought my hands up and levitated the couches before throwing them at him. The couches came together and hits the robot.

Rae, on your right! Tony Stark shouted.

I then spun around and kicked the robot. I moved my hand forward and held the robot in place before my using my other hand to grab the other one. I gritted my teeth. Before bringing the robot's closer. My arms went open before I closed them. The robot's collided into each other and I kept going. I spread my arms out wide before closing them again. When the robot's were apart, so were a few of their body parts. I raised my arms this time before bashing them into the ground.

That was dramatic, Ultron said. He made his way towards the entrance. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world but you don't want to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? Said Ultron.

Thor threw his hammer at Ultron, and Ultron crashed into the wall, his body breaking.

I had strings, but now I'm free. Replied Ultron.

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