
22 - The Nine Clans' Plan

Just two days later, on an island specifically used for meetings between all 9 clans, Elder Tan again spoke of what he had sensed, and what the Sword Spirit, Xiao Jian had conveyed.

"The Talisman Spirit? At seven? They must be of substantial cultivation to be able to contain it's aura," claimed one of the Elders of the Yi Clan.

"How could a seven-year-old of such cultivation have been missed? Such talent would have been identified some time ago," stated another from the Su Clan.

"Perhaps they are hiding?" suggested the Hong Clan.

"Hiding? What use is that?" asked the Kun Clan, "They would be worshipped and revered if only they had been found at birth".

"No doubt considering the disturbance in the Spiritual Plain that occurred at the time we are assuming was their birth," the Bai Clan agreed.

"What of the other God Spirits? What have they to say?" asked the Wu Clan, "I have heard nothing from Zan Zi".

"Nor I from She Shou," stated the Ji Clan.

"Perhaps if we can summon Xiao Jian once more, we can get more information to locate the child-"

The Pang Elder was cut off when a commotion occurred at the doors. They burst open suddenly and a young girl of about seven rushed inside to the elders and dropped to her knees.

"Forgive the intrusion Elders, I beg an audience as I have urgent information that must be shared to the Clans," the little girl spoke clearly.

"Bai Jing Jing, what do you think you're doing, girl?" asked the Bai Patriarch, looking disapprovingly on his granddaughter.

"Please, Grandfather, I had a Prophetic Dream and you must know what I saw".

The Bai Patriarch's eyes widened, "About the Successor?"

The others whispered among each other. The Bai family was a family known for its Spiritual elementals. Their Prophetic powers were unparalleled.

"Speak, girl," said the Kun Elder.

The other elders nodded in agreement. Bai Jing Jing, with her adorable puffed cheeks and violet eyes, spoke to the room confidently.

"I saw two futures based on the decisions that you make in this room today," said Bai Jing Jing, "And I've never seen anything clearer. No matter the course he takes, the Successor will take his place as the next Immortal God Emperor. But the differences lie in the interference levels of the Clans. In his current path, where the Clans do not meet him until fate decrees it so, he will face trials and succeed, shedding blood only when a threat is posed to his Clan and his peace. But if the Clans defy fate and intervene…then by the time he sits on the throne once more, the Nine Clans will no longer exist".

A ripple of unease swept through the chamber.

"Did you see anything else about him, or his character?" asked Patriarch Bai.

Bai Jing Jing shook her head, "I saw only fierce determination, his love for his Clan, and an uncanny ability to wield all nine elements".

Suddenly, a voice called out, echoing in the chamber, "And handsome too!"

A golden mist erupted from around Great Elder Wu and a female spirit with an alluring body and mesmerising eyes appeared before Bai Jing Jing, "Right little one, my master will be handsome, no?"

Bai Jing Jing blushed, "I did not see-"

The Spirit pouted, "Gang Bi, your Bai Clan gives no fun hints".

Another spread of golden mist appeared, this time in the form of a young man in scholarly robe who looked down his nose at the other Spirit, "Our Master sounds admirable I suppose, if perhaps a little impulsive".

"Impulsive?!" another, deeper voice arose and the warrior-like form of Xiao Jian appeared from the golden mist around the Tan Clan, "Given what'll happen should anyone get in his way, I'd say he's going to be a great warrior!"

Gang Bi scoffed, "No good comes of a bloodthirsty miscreant like you".

"Nor an arrogant bookworm like you!" snapped Xiao Jian.

More golden mist arose, and another woman, this one slightly older looking and far more dignified in appearance, appeared, "Gentleman, please, this is a Clan meeting, we should let them be".

"But Sister Duan," the original female spirit complained, clinging on to the older woman's sleeve, "I wanna know".

The older woman swiped at the other female's hands, "Then ask Xiao Jian, Zan Zi, he was present at the Successor's first Dao Selection".

All eyes turned to the warrior-like figure who paused, as if realising he was the centre of attention when he shouldn't be.

"Xiao Jian, spill it! They said you saw Fa Bao! What about Elder Guan and Mi Feng-Jie?" asked Zan Zi.

"Ah…well…Elder Guan was there, but he did say I shouldn't mention a thing and wait patiently…"

For the first time, the warrior actually looked terrified.

Zan Zi's eyes widened, "Elder Guan said so?"


"Then say nothing more," said Sister Duan, "As our original Master said, we must be earned".

Sister Duan turned to look at the Clan Elders who had watched on, "Even with the existence of our Master, our loyalty will remain with the Clans until such a time as he claims us in his journey. Though it should be remembered that should we be wielded in opposition to our Master, the Clan in question will likely not survive. Is that not correct, little one?"

Sister Duan looked down at Bai Jing Jing, who nodded gravely, "Yes, Sister Duan".

The Dagger Spirit smiled, then vanished, as did the other spirits. The Clan Elders looked among each other before the Bai Patriarch spoke, "Then it seems we have but one course of action: to watch and to wait for our time".

Kai Lan, completely unaware of the conversation that could very well have condemned him and his family, continued to train over the summer and started his third year with the story that he'd managed to break through a Natural Limit and had advanced quickly to the fifth step of the Foundation Realm. Many of his classmates were sceptical of the claim, but as they saw his abilities quickly advance, particularly in Combat Arts, Talisman Arts and Formation studies, they realised that he had spoken the truth. Shan Kai Lan was no longer the loser who'd been stuck in the second step of the Foundation Realm, he was now one of the top scoring students in their year level.

This revelation led the bullying and isolation of Kai Lan to a stop, and suddenly, Kai Lan was on much more friendly terms with his classmates. He did not aim to stand out among them, nor did he clamour for attention like some did, but still, he seemed to possess an aura about him that drew others to him. His kind smile and willingness to help others was praised, and earned him many who called themselves his friend.

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