
13:Eagle Eye & Hunting.

" Treat Eagle Eye Martial Skill has side skill and cultivate to the maximum without using any resources. It will be useful in the long run and will be your trump card in an unexpected situation. So don't tell anyone about your Martial Skills. Even if they are close friends. Do you go it? "

Wang Yong gazed at his son intensely until Wang Wei nodded seriously. Wang Yong then proceeds to pass on the method of blood energy circulation for Eagle Eye Martial Skill to his son and experience summarised by generations of Ancestors to avoid dangers and some tricks to use Martial Skill effectively.

Wang Wei absorbed the knowledge about Eagle Eye Martial Skill like a sponge.

[ Beep Beep should Eagle Eye Martial Skill be added in the skills category ]

Wang Wei murmured 'Add it to Skills category and simply and elaborate everything for easy understanding. '

[ Simplifying and rescheduling everything in the panel to the maximum to better understanding ]

[ Name: Wang Wei.

Age: 9.

Strength: 0.9, agility: 0.9, vitality: 0.9.

Realm: Peak Strengthening Realm.

Practice Method: Turtle Shield Technique.

State: healthy.

Skills: Black Knife(consummation), Eagle Eye (getting started).

Super Power: Absorbing Star Energy. ]

Wang Wei suddenly got startled from Ai chip notification.

Wang Yong caught the momentary distraction of Wang Wei and asked " What happen Wei. Can't you understand? If so then say. I will teach you afterwards. You can learn slowly. "

But he was disappointed because his son can cultivate Black Knife Technique to consummation in a short time. So he wanted his son to show some magical talent in cultivating auxiliary Martial Skills.

Wang Wei replied with a resolute tone " It's nothing father you can continue your explanation. "

Wang Yong nodded with satisfaction and continued his explanation and forget about his disappointment in his son just a minute ago.

[ Listening to the explanation of Eagle Eye Martial Skill. Increasing the understanding of Skills quickly. You improved your skill from getting started to basic by listening. ]

[ Your skill levelled up. ]

[ Eagle Eye(getting started --> basic) ]

A few moments later.

Wang Yong finished his explanation of Martial skills and looked up to the sky and muttered to himself " Looks like it's the perfect time to hunt some small animals. "

Wang Yong spoke to his sons after talking to himself " Ok that's it if you have any more doubt. You can ask me. If I'm not present you can ask your brother. Now Wei what you're going to hunt today is a rabbit. "

He looked at Wei's doubtful expression with a knowing look.

And continued his speech " Yes, you heard it right it's 'rabbit'. What do you expect to hunt a tiger, leopard or bear?. You have to improve step by step. Starting from the smallest animal to apex predators. My expectation for you is to hunt normal tigers or bears within a year. "

Wang Wei nodded indicating he understood. He isn't a naive kid, but behaving to mature in an extraordinary world would warrant a death order. So he expressed his dissatisfaction by pouting. Wang Yong shook his head looking at his son's dissatisfaction and decided not to comment on this one.

Because when his father said the same thing to him. Wang Yong doesn't take it lightly as he was blabbered 'it's disgrace to hunt rabbit as my first hunt. Whoever decided like that is probably a coward.'

For scolding the family tradition and ancestor, his father's response was severe beating. So he feels guilty at the thought of punishing his son. When he is no better or even said to be worst.


A few hours later.

Rabbit pov.

A rabbit cautiously got out of one of the holes hidden in the ground. It moved slowly and used its 360-degree panoramic view and sensitive nose to see any potential threat in the surroundings. After finding no danger in the surrounding. It moved exceptionally fast to look for today's food.

It looked like it's a rabbit lucky day. It found a carrot was laid in open ground. It stoa stepped a few metres away from the carrot and looked for any possible strange presence. After finding there's no one. it moved faster to the location of the carrot.

Wang Wei pov.

Wang Yong brought Wang Wei to one of the medium-size trees with dense leaves and explained " This is a famous spot for hunting forest rabbits. So note that in mind and I placed the bait here for the rabbit. Rabbits are very cautious by nature and they can easily spot anyone within 500 metres."

" So I placed the bait 600 metres away. Now operate the circulation of Eagle Eye skill to aim at the rabbit and use Turtle breathing to hide by blending in nature and lowering your presence to not get noticed by other animals. "

Wang Wei operated Turtle breathing method. Then he tried to operate the Eagle Eye. He controlled blood energy and moved it to the eyes and circulated it according to the method of Eagle Eye and it ain't happening, operating two techniques of using blood energy at the same time is hard. So he ordered the Ai " Ai chip help me circulate Eagle Eye. "

[ Task initiated to operate Eagle Eye. ]

[ Eagle Eye Technique ran successfully. ]

Wang Wei felt his eyes get got cooler. So he blinked and found that he can see around 360 degrees without any obstruction. With the circulation of Turtle breathing Technique. He felt only bow and arrow with 360-degree vision remained. Everything faded as he found the rabbit who moved faster towards the bait set by his father.

Wang Wei released the arrow from a bow. The arrow is released from the bow, it pierced the air and moved at 500 feet per second and nailed in the head of the rabbit and killed it instantly without giving it any chance.

The rabbit died as it grabbed the carrot in its mouth. Wang Wei snaps out of his hunter mode when the rabbit died his face paled and felt energy loss. So he ordered " Ai find what's wrong with me. "

[ Body lost more blood energy due to operating two techniques at the same time without actually practising them to consummation level.

Side effects: Loss of blood and tiredness. ]

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