
CH39 (561), Police (9)

Once the weekend passed and Arcday morning came around, I made my way to the Police HQ for my first day with the criminal investigations division (CID). I already knew where their offices were, so I directly headed there and reported my arrival. I had not been told yet which unit/team I had been assigned to within the CID, so learning that was the first thing on my list.

It turned out that my luck was pretty good and that the chief had actually listened to my request since I got assigned to the unit I wanted, namely the one responsible for the theft/kidnapping case I had been part of. I was brought to Detective Loneson who was in charge of the team that dealt with the case.

Detective Loneson then assigned me to Detective Monroe and told her to apprise me of the current situation of our case. He also told her that she was in charge of/responsible for me now, before he went back to work.

Detective Monroe accepted the task, though I could feel some reluctance on her part when she acknowledged the order. I guess that was to be expected since a newbie got thrown at her, so some unwillingness was normal, even if that newbie happened to be me.

Regardless of her feelings on the matter, Detective Monroe proved herself to be quite professional and showed none of the reluctance she felt when she spoke to me. She described the case to me along with the progress they had made so far, and I finally got to hear more about the case other than that it was still open.

As it stood, it turned out that I had been right in so far that the case had developed beyond the initial theft/kidnapping case, but it at least appeared that Sally and Eve/Eevee's part in it had already been dealt with. Detective Monroe shared that they had already managed to locate as well as catch the initial thief/kidnapper, and handed Eve/Eevee back to Sally.

She did acknowledge that my tip with those suspicious people had been helpful with that since they had apparently been part of the thief/kidnapper's group. That was also what expanded the initial scope of the case from a "simple" theft/kidnapping one to one investigating an abduction ring because apparently, those criminals were part of a whole criminal gang that moved into Celadon City not too long ago.

It seemed that it was also this gang that caused the gang war just two or three months ago by intruding into the territory of another, older gang. Ever since then, they had also provoked smaller clashes with the other gangs of Celadon which had resulted in more overall crimes and disturbances in Celadon than usual. Well, at least in the background since most of those conflicts broke out between the gangs and gang-affiliated people/stores.

Nonetheless, thinking back to my own experience with the trafficking organization members I tracked down a year or so ago, I could not help but wonder why they still had not solved the gang case. However, after politely asking that question, I learned that I had overlooked something obvious and critical, namely the rules and regulations that the CID was bound to.

The Celadon Police did not have any psychics capable of using refined telepathy among their employees/officers, and the use of psychic types capable of doing it was restricted, meaning that only certified Pokemon could be used during an interrogation. Since the Celadon Police did not have any capable psychics, they either had to interrogate the captives/criminals the regular way, or they had to apply for the help of an external certified helper/psychic.

Unfortunately, even though none of the officers were the kind that thought too highly of themselves to the extent of saying that they did not need the help of outsiders, the application process still took time and had to be done each time they wanted someone interrogated.

While the application process ensured that the police did not "abuse/misuse" the telepathy interrogation, it also slowed down the investigation process. I naturally could not help but ask if they, the Celadon Police, had not tried to employ a psychic or get their hands on a psychic type that qualified for the job, but that only led to Detective Monroe complaining about the difficulty of doing that.

It appeared that qualified Psychics preferred acting as freelancers since that paid much better than working for the police, and gave them much more freedom. She even added that the department's attempts to nurture their own qualified Psychic were slow going and mostly unsuccessful.

The same was true on the Pokemon part since the alliance's requirements on them were higher than on human Psychics. Simply having a Kadabra, an Alakazam, or a Hypno was not enough. Their telepathy had to be much finer than that of humans to gain the qualification to act as interrogators because of their higher potency and foreign/different mentality.

Nonetheless, the department's efforts were not totally in vain since their efforts were why the Celadon Police had their own teleportation unit, which was utilized during real/critical emergencies.

When I heard that I could help but offer my services as a Psychic Interrogator (PI), much to the surprise of Detective Monroe. She looked quite happy when I told her that I was a Tier 3 Psychic and that I definitely had the necessary control over my telepathy to act as an interrogator, though that changed rather quickly with a single question.

When she asked me if I had the certificate to prove my competence, I had to admit that I didn't since I truly did not have the certificate she cited from either the Alliance or the Psychic Association, but I was sure that I could pass the test if I applied for it.

Detective Monroe thought that was a good idea, so we looked up the details of that test online, and while I confirmed that there should be no problems with me passing the test, it seemed that getting the certificate issued usually took from 2 to 4 weeks. Not to mention that applicants usually had to wait for up to two weeks before they were able to take the test.

That was entirely too long in Detective Monroe's opinion and mine as well, so she approached Detective Loneson with the idea. Thankfully, he was all for it and told us to leave the matter of the application and certification to him before leaving somewhere, presumably to handle the issue.

Still, during all this, I could not help but think that my actions during my covert mission for the Order seemed to have been a tad bit illegal, before shrugging that off since I had been given a carte blanche for the mission which included my psychic abilities.

Nonetheless, this showed me that I could not indiscriminately use my telepathy, at least not as evidence in an official capacity. Well, once I had the certificate, that "problem" would be taken care of altogether.

Anyway, after Detective Loneson left Detective Monroe gave me access to the interrogation and report files so that I could get a true picture of the work that had been done so far since her summary was not enough for that. Seeing how I had nothing else I could do, I sat in front of the computer she pointed to and began going through the files.

An hour into that, Detective Loneson came back and informed me that he had arranged everything. Seeing his arrival, Detective Monroe came over as well, and Detective Loneson began to share/brag about how he had managed to get me an assessment for today.

Not only that but according to him, we would be able to pick up the certificate the day after tomorrow, as long as I proved competent enough to pass the assessment. Leaving aside the way he shared the news, Detective Loneson had done me a favor with this, so I thanked him for his work.

He threw Detective Monroe a subtle look when I did that, which I managed to catch but Detective Monroe seemed to have missed, or purposefully ignored, before he generously waved me off citing that it had been no problem at all. He then began listing a few connections he had access to which made that possible.

By now it was more than obvious to me that Detective Loneson was trying to impress Detective Monroe, and looking at Detective Monroe, it seemed to be working to a degree, so I once more thanked Detective Loneson before asking when exactly the assessment was, and where I had to go for said assessment.

He shared that the assessment was in 90 minutes, which meant I got to do it during working hours, which was great. He also gave me the address while adding that I'd better leave in 45 minutes to ensure that I made it there with some time to spare.

Afterward, he along with Detective Monroe walked away, and I spent the next 45 minutes going through the files from where I left off. Once the 45 minutes had passed, I left the Police HQ and made my way to the assessment location, which happened to be a local Alliance Bureau. It seemed that the examiner would be coming directly from the Psychic Association HQ in Saffron City just for little old me's assessment.

Roughly 5 minutes before the appointed time, the examiner showed up and told me to follow him to a separate room. He then proceeded to tell me what I had to do for the exam before informing me that the memory of the examination, his to be precise, would be shown to a board of judges to determine whether I qualified or not. He then asked if I was alright with that, or if I wanted to withdraw from the assessment.

I thought about it for a moment, and seeing no real negative considering that it was his memory they were going to look at, I affirmed that I wanted to take the assessment. With that the test began, and what I had to do was find certain phrases inside his memory using a few provided keywords, without disturbing, harming/damaging, influencing, or overshadowing the examiner's psyche or any of his memories.

It was pretty much the advanced version of the telepathy training exercise I used to do with Horus/Xatu as well as the other psychic types in my family, and I was pretty confident with my abilities in that regard. Consequently, I had no problems during the assessment itself, and I felt that I did a pretty great job.

Still, the judgment of that did not lay with me, so I would have to wait for another two days to hear the results of my assessment. Nonetheless, the examiner did praise my performance before he left, so I was sure that I did a good job.

Anyway, once the assessment was over, I went back to the Police HQ and reported back to Detective Loneson, who seemed pleased to hear that everything went well. He told me that my job for the next two days was to simply shadow Detective Monroe and observe what she was doing. I naturally had to follow her orders if she gave them, but other than that my job was to simply follow her and watch.

I acknowledged my assignment and went over to Detective Monroe's side. She greeted me and asked me how things went and after I told her that I was confident in my performance, she congratulated me in advance before she told me to follow her.

She shared that we were going to follow one of the leads they had gotten during the last interrogation, which took place 3 days ago. For that, we went to one of the more secluded districts of Celadon City. The area was "known" to be one of the neutral zones set by the gangs of Celadon, and the lead we had led us to one of the "formally" abandoned houses in that district.


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Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/4 for this week.

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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