
first day on the job

Come in" A hoarse voice sounded from inside of the hunter's cabin , causing Zakai to freeze

he hasn't even knocked yet!

sighing before opening the door, he saw Hunter's house for the first time.

the house was decorated with animal heads of all types, ranging from bears to Elk's to even a head of a viper, which was obviously the guy's main trophy

"Sit down." The hoarse voice once again resounded, causing Zakai to sit down on the nearest seat, a sofa

seeing me sit down, the man went up to the window and started talking

"Do you know why you're here?" the hunter said, his sharp eyes piercing me

"To help you with your needs or whatever," Zakai said, looking back at the hunter

"Yeah, good enough. " He grunted before throwing Me a pouch of coins "We are going shopping for a bow and some arrows, come with me."

Zakai frowned. he didn't even explain why he was doing it, and also why

"Why are you doing this?" Zakai asked, causing the hunter that was at the doorway to sigh

"After my late son died, I realised that there is nobody to take my inheritance of skills that keeps this village float." He said "The nobles don't even buy the meat of me, they take it. if there's nobody to keep the balance of the nobles it won't be pretty."

Zakai nodded hearing this, indeed, the nobles would probably go mad if their fat young master didn't get his daily amount of meat

"Any other reasons?" Zakai scouted for information

the man sighed, before whipping up his shirt, revealing a Wound, infected and violet

"Poison from a magically enchanted Viper." He said, looking at the wound "That bastard was my main trophy, and it belongs right there."

he pointed towards the viper head

"You would need a Healer of Great healing magic to save me, and those people are seclusive and way out of my price range." He grunted, before looking at me "Come, boy."

he walked into town and went into the only Weapons store in the small village, belonging to the Asher household, who are also fairly well off for people of the village

"I demand that you get married to me!" A shrill voice resounded in the shop, causing the Hunter to sigh "Not again."

Zakai looked at him and looked at the shop, and could tell who that voice belonged to

a fat man could be seen, waddling out the shop, bright red

looking at the child looking at him, the man raised his hand and was ready to hit him


Zakai quickly dodged the blow, making his anger worsen

suddenly, a Steward quickly came out and bowed

"Young master let's go back to the castle." the steward bowed but I saw him shoot Apologetic glances at me

"Fine, but if she doesn't become my wife in a year, I'm going to drive this shop down!" He said "Besides, ill have my GrImoire! She's bound to fall in love with me!"

A true Hyprocite, I can see what the gossip is about

walking past the bowing steward, he quietly passed me a bag of coins and bowed deeper

the Bag was huge, but it could help

walking into the store, he could see a girl crying with a slap mark on her cheek, while an older woman was comforting her, and due to the matching looks, he could tell it was her mother.

an older man came and greeted The hunter, obviously close with him.

"Hmm." he fake coughed "Im sorry if you had to see the display just now."

"It's fine Herbet." the hunter said "Im here to get a bow and some arrows for my new disciple, a longbow, magically reinforced with 2 dozen quivers of arrows."

"No problem." Herbert said, looking at his daughter "Beauty is a curse, especially to nobles."

the hunter also agreed with him, shaking his head. "Indeed so."

Getting an empty bottle, and opening his book, he flipped the Holy water page and secretly filled up a bottle with it and handed it to the man

"Heres some healing water from a mage from up the hill. should be able to heal the slap easily." Zakai said, causing the man to shake his head

"Thank you, young man." He said, taking the water to his daughter before returning "I'll be back, let me get your produce."

he watched the daughter closely, seeing if the water he created was inferior to Sister lilys. anyway, not only can he scout the power of the water, he can catch a bit of favour with the people that run the shop, which could be useful

"Why am I thinking like this?" Zakai rubbed his hands against his pale skin but quickly calmed down

although the slap took slightly longer than sister lilys to heal, this could be contributed to his experience with casting it, his age etc

but a bow would be a good weapon for him due to the fact that when hunting alone he can secretly use raw wind magic to boost the speed of the arrow, which will mean that he can stop eating Nomatoes all the time, my god they taste awful

the Herbert guy quickly returned with a bow and 2 quivers full of arrows, each made well

touching the bow, he realised that there was a gleam of magical energy in it

"Excuse me, what magic do you use?" Zakai asked curiously, looking at the bow that can receive a magical question

The hunter slowly used his foot to signify to be quiet, but the man lifted up his hands

"Calm down Robert, he's only a child." Herbert said, "Although that question would normally be rude, think of it as a thank you for the holy water." He said, "My magic is Creation magic, although my mana reserves are weak." He explained, "my wife has enchanting magic, which lets her make items receive buffs when in close contact with magic." He finished "Although we are both too weak to make anything too impressive, we live in peace"

Looking at the slapped daughter, still crying although her slap has healed, Zakai thought "Yeah, this screams peaceful alright."

After paying for the Bow and arrow, he looked towards the bag of coins that the Steward gave him as an apology of sorts.

asking the hunter if he had any meat he could sell me, he said yes as he entered the basement of his house, a pantry of sorts. in here, lines of Boars had been preserved and ready to be sold to the butcher, but he was a lot more interested in the things like the hides and the horns of the Animals

"How much for a boar?"

"1200 yul" he said, telling me the price. he got 5000 yul from the steward, so he agreed.

"Come to the house, 6 o'clock in the morning sharp."

Zakai growled hearing this. that's waaaaaay too early for him. he needs his beauty sleep Y'know

walking from the village to the Church was a lot harder now it was uphill instead of downhill, not only that, it was steep!

oh, did he forgot to mention he had to carry a big boar with him?

looking around and seeing no one, Zalak opened his book and went to page one, summoning a large amount of wind energy. pointing it to the ground, he watched as the poor boar went flying through the air, before hitting the ground, causing a dust cloud to arise over it

"Much better." He didn't need to move the boar anymore, since it was up the hill


it was a long walk home, that was for sure

the sun was setting as he walked into the orphanage, boar at hand

Screams enveloped the church as Sister lily saw the boar on his shoulder

"W-what is that!"

"It's a boar, sister Lilly."

yuno and Asta came downstairs hearing the scream, and Asta had stars in his eyes once he saw the massive boar

"WHHHHHA MEAT!" Asta started dancing

"Where did you get this from?" Yuno asked quietly

"I brought it," Zalak replied, throwing the bag of coins to SIster lily before responding "Im going to bed, goodnight."


sister lily looked at the coins in wonder "How did he get these?"

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