
Slightest Noise

Chapter 8

"Go to the Armory Major, they'll have what you need. Last Evac post is at the San Juan Bacon Coastline at O Six hundred hours tomorrow." He said. "Coordinate with the Airforce if you couldn't make it at the rendezvous point. Last helicopter will be leaving seventeen hundred hours tonight. After that I'm afraid you'll have to go commando."

"Copy Sir. Over and out." I said turning off my communicator from the broadcast channel and switching it to our private one. "Heard that guys?" I asked my friends. Noelle and Queencie nodded in response, while Chealsea just looked at me straight in the eyes. We then started walking towards the armory, but we all have different specialty which serves its own purpose. Our tasks had been delegated to other teams. We don't have any more tp spare judging by the way they looked at us as we left. I saw worried glances from the other team as we walked by, some gave us brisk nods, while others ignored thinking how selfish we were to abandon our duty and do ome rescue mission.

"I'll start up my baby. I'll get a satellite settled on the orphanage's location. If they move, we'll know." Queencie said, sounding child-like in our communication line. As she hurried along to the armory. "I could easily track down Mushka's signal and could access her phone if given the time." she was tapping rapidly on a tablet she always hides in her pocket, not even bothering to look where she's going. Sometimes I wonder if she has that spider sense, she just know when to move when a person would bump into her.

"Great you do that Q!" Queencie couldn't handle big guns because of her frame. So, she tries to compensate through other things. Like hacking the main system of any building's scurity. "Come on, better get our things ready guys!" We headed to the Armory to suit up as fast as we could. We are chasing time as of the moment. And every second those kids are with those bats, their lives are in jeopardy.

R. Alpha team VI means Reservist alpha team six. It was the number of our team during training. We belong to the tougher ones, Capable to handling searches and rescues by ourselves. Or in other words, we're not that easy to kill. At least in our training we weren't. I just don't know if we can handle vampires in all their killing spree. But we still have some tricks up our shoulders, after all it is our home territory. We know this place like the back of our hands. Besides, our town has its own secrets. Tunnels and chambers they used during the war were endless, some areas were not even explored yet. As kids Xed and I made a map of the tunnels, we just gave up in the end cause it almost got us killed.

Arriving at the armoury, we started collecting everything we needed. Pistols, knives, grenades and other tricky gadgets that would either explode or emit bright light to startle those bats. Queencie also hacked into the orphanage security system making sure that all the hidden exits are open for our access. She also saw where they were holding the kids and some adults. Noelle started hiding knives in her suit while I go for the typical hand held pistols and iron knuckles just in case I'm in the mood for hand to hand combat. Cheasea took a bag holding a coyote rifle, the typical long range shooter that she is, she could also shoot whilst flying any given aircraft. We are trained in all weapons and hand to hand combat. Though I won't consider fighting hand to hand against them since those bats can out strength me ten to one. I don't think they're smart though.

After gearing up, we went to the information tent to gather intel. We needed to know the best escape route we can take from the orphanage. "The last chopper leaving tonight is at seventeen hundred hours. There wouldn't be any soldiers here so you're on your own after that. Although there are stations scattered with emergency choppers, those require pilot licenses." Chealsea was rolling her eyes, the officer didn't see to notice her flying ID. She could fly any given aircraft in the area. I was just stopping her from drilling holes on him literally. "So, I suggest if you can't make it tonight you better go to the Evac Camp stationed at San Juan, Bacon coastline. Its last plane leaves tomorrow morning." the officer was wearing a cadet uniform. Typical for new recruits.

"We clearly won't use those choppers, we've got fourteen kids and five adults to rescue." informed Chealsea. "Won't there be any planes left here?"

"Too expensive to be left behind." I muttered answering her query, I stood up and took my back pack with me. "Chealsea, I need you to coordinate with your Dad. Ask him if he could leave at least a Black Hawk or anything that can handle our weight." Chealsea nodded and took her phone to call her father. Queencie looked at me attentively for my orders but I could say that I am still out of ideas as to what to do and how I can get Mushka and the kids safely out of the hands of those bats. How I miss Xed at this time. He was more of a strategist. He has tons of ideas to put on the table.

My last chance of not breaking the promise I said to my Mom is to abandon my duty. But I am raised like that. I will take those kids to the shelter or die trying. Right now I need to think of the best option to do.But what?

Chealsea walked in pouting. "He can't help us, it turns out that they are attacking all the Evac camps at once." That made me even more frustrated. "Fran, we have to move now, we don't have much time."

"I know. I guess we are on our own...I'm so sorry guys." Sighing, I started walking towards one of the least busy exits. "Thank you so much for the information sir." I said to the officer. He nodded and muttered his welcome.

"What now?" asked Noelle, "we can still use my car." She suggested looking at us expectantly.

"Too noisy, idiot. Using your car would just be like a red flag signaling our arrival." Queencie snapped. All of us are under a lot of stress, especially now that one of us involved.

"Now I'm an idiot for trying to help? Thank you so much, you little monster!" Noelle retorted, rolling her eyes as she walked briskly away from Queencie, her pony tail bobbing as she moved.

"You're not helping!" I exasperated at them both, "Guys, please! Mushka is in trouble, we have to do something about it. And fighting is not an option. We are not kids any more!"

"Well, I'm still twenty so that is still considered as--" Queencie's sweet talk was cut off by my mobile phone's ringing.

The screen flashed Mushka's picture. "Mushka!" All of us answered in unison, since I placed it on speaker mode.

"Where the hell are you?" Noelle grabbed my hand towards her while asking the question.

" Are the kids safe?" I asked, getting my hand and phone back.

"We're at the orphanage in one of the halls, I guess we are safe for now. The kids are fine, but I don't know about some of the adults." she whispered. "And can you please stop the shouting! They can hear even the slightest noise. I had to lock myself in a closet so they wouldn't hear me."

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