
Part 2: Chapter 39: Operation Gazelle is a go

2 August 2019, Bentiu, South Sudan.

As if the universe was waiting for her, a C130 lifted from the ground with two black-dressed men and much needed medical supplies for the nearby Hospital in Bentiu, South Sudan.

Pitch dark the scattered stars exposed the movements on the base briefly. With only four people on the ground aware, Operation Gazelle was in full swing. The Iraqi desert silent.

At 04h30 hours the large hatch opened and two bodies dropped from 20 000 feet into the cloud-covered sky. Darkness covered them. In the distance, bombings thundered in the night sky, but it was clear over Bentiu.

The Hercules landed four kilometres away at the National Airline and the two men touched ground minutes later. They gathered their parachutes and gear and disappeared into the thick darkness of Africa.

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