
An Inevitable End

"Bahahahaha~" the baby laughed maniacally. "Roses are red, and violets are blue. The sun is down, and the moon is up... The night is beautiful, and so is the feast!"


The flowers began wiggling and shaking, too excited for the feast prepared for them. 

Oh, no. What do they do?

Everyone struggled to free themselves from the invisible grip holding them high.

They flaring legs about, watching the giant worms open their mouths in preparation for the said feast. 

And what was on the menu? 


"Yes... Yes... Fear me!!" The baby slowly smiled, licking its lips in ecstasy from the wave of fear it received.


It shuddered blissfully, switching its neck back and forth.

However, the moment its gaze landed on the human, who was still fearless, it only wanted to hack the damn bastard to death.

But little did it know that soon, playtime would be over. 

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