
Procuring a Little Brother

Vászoly Noemi was a young girl who had immigrated to the German Empire from her homeland of Hungary due to the efforts of her elder brother. Despite being apart from her family, she was not alone, as she had a guardian assigned to her, who was a young woman.

As part of the immigration requirements, this woman was seeking was now seeking a German husband, and had made some success in the matter. After all, despite being an illiterate peasant, she was a foreign beauty who spoke the German tongue, and had many of the qualities that German men found attractive in a woman. 

This guardian was actually a young peasant woman by the name of Dudás Lilla who served as a maid to the noble born Noemi. As a result, she was good at cooking, cleaning, sewing, and any number of talents that a wife was supposed to have according to the German ideal.

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