
Chapter 90: You'll Be Hearing From Our Attorney

Rumors were wrong! For years there's been speculation that Nate Larson, front man of the group Innominate, is gay. Well sorry, gentlemen, he is not. Pictures surfaced of Nate and none other than Danielle King out looking cozy in Chicago. If you think that name sounds familiar, you'd be right. Danielle is the sister of Nate's bandmate Austin King. How's that for messy?

He had a girlfriend. A real life, honest to goodness girlfriend. It had been over an hour since he'd hung up the phone with Dani, and Nate was still in shock about what had happened. As the minutes passed and the shock wore off, the dread of what he needed to do seeped in.

Picking up his phone he called the only person he didn't want to talk to.


"Hey, Austin."

"Uh oh. What's going on?"

"Why do you think something's going on?"

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