
Saint Vs Gomez

The night of the fight in Leo's hometown, Frank tapes his hands up before he goes out.

"How's that feel, kid?"

Leo moves his hands around to test the tape.

"It feels good to me." Leo says.

"Good. Cause you gotta knock this guy out tonight. It's time to show the world that Leo Saint is as good as new."

Leo nods in agreement then puts on his robe. Danielle then walks into the locker room.

"Hey." She says, smiling at Leo.

Frank notices the two staring at each other and punches Leo in the arm while chuckling.

"I'll be waiting outside, kid."

As he leaves the room, Danielle walks up to Leo and ties up his robe.

"How are you feeling?"

Leo takes a deep breath before answering.

"Honestly? Like I'm about to shit a brick."

The two laugh and as Danielle finishes tying, she puts her hand on his chest.

"You got this."

Leo smiles, taking comfort in her words. The two then share a kiss and Leo leaves the locker room.

Leo makes his way to the ring, and hears the crowd chanting his name. Leo stands on the stage for a moment, taking it in and smiling. Meanwhile Cross and Morgan sit in a skybox watching very closely. Leo walks down the ramp and jumps into the ring. As he takes off his rob, him and his opponent nod at each other out of mutual respect. The ref makes sure both men are ready to fight and the bell rings.

The two fighters circle around each other for a moment. Gomez then extends his fist and the two share a fist bump out of sportsmanship. Gomez then goes for a spinning heel kick that Leo barely dodges. He goes for another kick, but Saint blocks it and throws a left and right cross. Gomez avoids both strikes and throws a high spinning hook kick that Leo ducks.

Saint throws a hook kick of his own that Gomez cartwheels to avoid it. Leo tries to sweap his legs but his opponent counters with a backflip. When he comes back down, Leo goes for a spinning sidekick that Gomez spins to avoid it and elbows him in the ribs, knocking him to a knee. Gomez then goes for a head kick but Leo ducks and punches him across the face with a right hook.

He goes for a left, but Gomez blocks it, kicks him in the stomach, and backflips away, gaining some distance. He then goes for a front flip kick, but Leo quickly moves out of the way. Gomez goes for a spinning head kick that dodges. He goes for another right hook that gets blocked and gets hit with a forearm to the face. Gomez goes for a left hook, with this time Leo blocking and landing a knee strike to the gut.

Gomez then goes for a spinning hook kick to the back of the head, but Leo does a front flip to avoid it. He does react fast enough when his feet lands however and he gets kneed in the gut, pushing him back. Leo then throws a head kick that Gomez cartwheels out of again but this time Leo follows up with a tornado kick to his face. Leo goes on the attack, missing the right jab to the face but landing a left hook to the gut. He then goes for a right hook that Gomez dodges but Saint lands another tornado kick to the face.

Gomez almost immediately replies with an elbow to the gut, knocking him back. He then punches Leo in the gut and then in the face. Saint goes for a punch, but Gomez catches his arm with his leg. He then flips him to the ground and goes for an arm bar. As Leo struggles to keep his arm from extending, he kicks his opponent in the head, getting free from the hold. Leo then kips up and goes for a right cross.

Gomez catches his arm and hits him in the head with his forearm. He then wraps his legs around Leo's and takes him down. When Leo gets up, he feels a little tweak to his knee that Cross and Frank noticed.

Gomez goes for a heel kick that Leo dodges, still feeling the tweak in his knee. Gomez then throws a right hook, but Leo grabs his wrist and lands a spinning back elbow to his gut. He then flips him to the ground but Gomez counters with a scorpion kick to the face. As he backs away a bit, Leo answers back with a five forty kick right to his jaw.

Gomez goes for a right hook, but Leo catches it, knees him in the gut and takes him down with an arm bar. Gomez flips out of it, goes full mount and starts punching Leo in the gut. Leo catches one of the punches and locks Gomez in a triangle choke, squeezing as hard as he can. Gomez tries to fight out of it but soon realizes that he can't and taps out.

When the bell rings, both men lay down in the middle of the ring, exhausted from the battle that just happened. Leo takes out his mouth piece, takes a few deep breaths, and stands up to his feet as the fans cheer for him. The ref raises his hand in victory and he does a small celebration in the ring. Gomez slowly gets to his feet and Leo extends his hand. Gomez looks at it for a moment then shakes his hand.

"Good fight." Leo says.

"Can't wait for the rematch." Gomez replies with a smile.

As Gomez leaves the ring, Leo sees Cross in the skybox. Saint then points at Isaiah, making it known that he's coming for the title.

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