
the end?

As soon as I get this new quest, I noticed something weird about it. The name said "someone familiar", but only person from heaven, who i knew, was Ishtar. But it can also be... No, I don't believe this, but... This place... O. M. G,. THAT PLACE IS THE PLACE I TRAPPED HIM!!!

Suddenly, the sky turned red, and strange shadow appeared in the sky. This person was the person i was afraid of. He was known as "the great demon lord Dagon". In his world he was the strongest mage, who also became a god of monsters (and yes, he is one of characters from my dropped work). Monsters which he controlled, destroyed the entire world, and he also fought against other gods, and win. After that battle, he received their power. That's the reason i don't want to fight with him, but i must do it to protect the humanity!

And than we began our battle. I decided to















.the end

(sry but i ruined this work, and i must start a new work, which will be way better than this one)

(i also broke my phone and half of letters don't work) (also read author thoughts)

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