
Chapter Twenty Two - Geoldran Island (Part 2)

Kaiser stared in penetrating silence.

"Even though Captain Hakon's unit won the Intra-Unit Battle, he never approached me like you did. No one does. And it's the first time anyone has shown personal interest in my work. Rumours about your skills are legendary and I want to witness it first-hand. I admit, I became curious of who Lars Verhelst is," he shrugged. "There's no better way for me to know you than out here in your elements."

In other words, Kaiser Ruff wanted Lars to convince him of why he should join the unit. A savage grin split his lips. "Do you believe I'm underestimating you?"

"I'm devoted to my profession, and I don't take unnecessary risks or develop unnecessary relationships that aren't advantageous to me. I mean no offense. It's just the way I work."

"None taken." Lars could see the practicality of his nature, something he personally appreciated. "I'm glad you've reached out to me. Even if you don't accept my offer, at least I know you're considering it."

Kaiser didn't respond to that particular comment.

Eira cocked her head, wondering what they were discussing. Was Lars contemplating to recruit Kaiser Ruff into their unit? She was piqued. If Lars thought highly of Kaiser, then he must be an exceptional individual. While he didn't physically stand out – ash blonde hair, acceptable features, and a non-existent aura – she had a feeling he was doing it on purpose to blend into the background. It made sense if his intent was to observe what other people were doing, almost like a spy or assassin. Or maybe she was just being fanciful.

Everybody had their own shortcomings. Despite Kaiser's, there was no discounting his passion as a scientist, especially when he would jeopardize their lives for it. Even so, a thrill of excitement pulsated through her. It had been too long since she stepped out of Ataxia, and Geoldran Island would be a whole new adventure waiting for them. She couldn't wait to touchdown and explore the island.


Lars had read the profile on Geoldran Island – strictly uninhabited by humans due to active volcanoes and home to a few dangerous predators known to mankind, mainly the Geoldran predators who were infamous for nabbing unsuspecting victims and killing them with their venomous bite before slowly dining on their flesh. Sometimes, they even enjoyed hunting their wounded prey before devouring them. It was amazing to think they were descendants of the reptilian lizards.

In a nutshell, it was suicide for any commoner or low ranking kill hunter to step onto this tropic land because danger lurked in every corner. Theoretically speaking, this place would make survival in the normal wilderness look like a piece of cake.

The phantom set them down on the beach overlooking the surrounding islets that was within swimming distance.

"We'll activate the beacon when we're ready for pick up, Miran," Lars said to their pilot.

"Roger that, Captain. I'll be on stand-by."

Eira gaped at the massive volcano sitting in the middle of the island, a steep-sided triangular shaped structure. With a size like that it could potentially destroy the entire island.

"Mount Tawaboro." Kaiser broke into her fascination. "It's a dormant volcano that has erupted a hundred years ago. We won't be buried under lava anytime soon if that's what you're worried about."

She shook her head and explained. "I'm from Skocia. This is my first time seeing a volcano. I've only read about the tragedies of the Great Pompeii, Plymouth, Saint-Pierre…the list goes on."

"Volcanoes are the least of our problems," Kaiser pointed out, slinging his glinting machete over his shoulder. "The government named this island 'Geoldran' for an obvious reason. It's home to the old era equivalent of Komodo Dragons except these are larger creatures. Lucky for us, Geoldrans are inactive hunters that only attack wandering prey, so don't get close to any if you see one. One bite of its venom and you're dead."

Eira swallowed audibly. He didn't have to warn her twice. She wasn't stupid.

"Don't worry, Geoldrans are surprisingly slow and clumsy." Lars startled her from behind. To Kaiser, he asked. "I assume you've done your research on where we should start hunting for the Razer?"

"Razers generally live underground, and my best guess is for us to scour the caves." Kaiser glanced at the sun. "We should get moving. I would prefer to leave the island before sunset. As you know, nightfall is a nocturne's playground. It isn't safe to stay here longer than necessary."

"Alright," Lars agreed. "Lead the way."

With his tablet map and machete, Kaiser plowed ahead of them, his blade glinted as it rose and fell tirelessly, hacking at the vegetation that impeded their progress, guiding them deeper into the unknown. Gigantic trees formed an overhead canopy, filtering out the sunlight while twisting vines created an untouched atmosphere. It felt as if they were trudging through a lost world.

Eira admitted the air here was moist and humid, her attention transfixed on the enormous bracket fungi growing at the base of tree trunks – large enough for her to sleep on if she wanted to. There were a variety of them, the colours of beige, brown, orange and a tinge of green. The level of mutation was…frightening. The fact that something originally palm-sized could grow into the size of a mattress — was a daunting phenomena.

"What do Razers look like?" Eira asked conversationally, wanting to be prepared. "And what are their known habits?"

Kaiser wasn't keen on talking but, it would be easier for everyone to be on the lookout. "A Razer has two heads, one in the front, and the other in the back. It's autonomous, meaning it's able to move forward and backward dexterously. A Razer stores food within its body for weeks and hardly ventures from its lair to hunt. Oh, and those face masks you received earlier on? We'll have to wear them before entering the cave. Razers are notorious for emitting toxins in the air that can suffocate its prey. It would defeat the purpose of our journey if we were to drop dead beforehand."

His dark sense of humour curdled her stomach. "Are there any known weaknesses?"

"Based on its predecessor, we have pinpointed that the only way to kill it, is to pierce through its exoskeleton in between its softer, underbelly plates."

Eira readily stored this information away. It was easier to fight a predator whose weaknesses were known. She hated being taken off guard.

Minutes later, they arrived at the yawning mouth of a whistling cave. Everyone donned their masks and switched on the in-built lamps. Lars and Kaiser went ahead with Aeolus leading the way.

Xue Long emitted a reluctant growl, taking a tentative step backwards. She didn't want to enter the cave, the bristles of her fur standing on end.

{Bad feeling.}

"It's okay, Xue Long," Eira calmed her friend. "You're not alone and I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Xue Long's ears flattened, her expression contemplative. {Master, promise?}

Eira placed her palm against the dragon's warm scales. "I promise."

Moving at the speed of great reluctance, the predator trailed after Aeolus, constantly bumping into the larger predator until the Gryphon huffed in annoyance. Eira stifled a chuckle. With Anaelle's help, they had discovered that Xue Long was only a few decades old – a child in predator years. After analysing its DNA, it returned inconclusive which spurred Anaelle to conclude it was a hybrid of unknown descent.

"If it doesn't match the DNA in our government database, then it means Xue Long's parents are likely unidentified," Anaelle explained.

The chances of anyone encountering a rare unknown were low — a one in a million. Perhaps they truly were fated to meet.

Catching up with everyone, Eira surveyed the dark, damp structures of the large cave – lethal stalactites dripped off the ceilings, threatening to vertically stab someone from above. Unlike Geoldran, the caves in Skocia were different – hot and dry, often porous and filled with sand.

The melodious whistling continued serenading them. Eira bit back a sudden shiver from the small gust of wind, noticing the rapidly declining temperature. Their crunching footsteps on the uneven ground halted when Aeolus suddenly flared its wings in warning.

{Danger! Humans, stay back.}

Xue Long immediately shoved Eira against the wall.

Click! Click!

Her head whipped around, vigilant eyes squinting in the darkness. What was making that noise?

Click! Click!

"Over there!" Kaiser shone his light on the shadowy figure darting across. Pale, naked flesh.

"What the hell is that?" Eira demanded above a whisper.

Lars had his reaper activated, calmly waiting for an ambush. "Whatever it is, we're just going to have to kill it."

All hell broke loose when Aeolus bolted and dove behind a boulder of rocks, intently chasing something. In the darkness, all they heard were sounds of horrendous screeching, wet tearing sounds and high-pitched gurgles.

And then total silence.

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