
Episode One - Unit Six (Part 2)

Immediately, the mood shifted — acute tension slicing the air. The imperceptible sense of urgency filtering everyone's looks was enough to send thousands of tiny little creatures skittering about in her stomach. Something dire was happening.

"Everyone gear up! Assemble at the docking bay in five minutes!" Lars barked, his face shifting into nothing but hard lines and angles. He grabbed Eira by the arm, his palpable strength surprising her. "Come with me."

Lars was like a force of nature, dragging her along and she had no choice but to stumble and keep up with his longer strides. "Seriously, what's happening? Are we under attack?"

He placed his palm on a digital scanner and pulled her inside the locker room, blue neon lights activating upon their entry. "Strip," he ordered bluntly, already undressing down to his boxers. Urgency radiated off him in waves but all she could see was the flexing muscles of his lean torso, travelling down to his washboard abs.

Stop it, she berated herself. This wasn't the time to drool over his hot bod. Quickly, she stripped and left on her tiny lace panties.

"This is an emergency mission. Since we haven't time to settle you in, this will have to do." Lars retrieved an extra combat suit from his locker, turning to toss it to her and froze. He couldn't help skimming his gaze over her naked breasts, her sternum tattoo, and her impractical undergarment. A sardonic brow arched at the last one.

Eira blushed, snatching the suit from him. This wasn't how she imagined their first meeting to go down, and definitely not in the nude. "I hadn't expected a mission on the first day." It was a lame excuse but, it was all she had. She wasn't even sure if her belongings have arrived. What utter bad luck!

Clearing his throat, Lars donned his own suit. "Well, expect it in the future. Emergency missions are part of our routine, and we must always be prepared." He strapped on his pocket weapons and laced on his boots. When he was done, he found Eira struggling to zip up. Nudging her hand away, he helped her — as if it was natural for him to do so.

"Kaaqa. Thank you," she murmured, still red in the ears.

Lars felt compelled to ask the question churning in his gut since she arrived. It had plagued him since he received confirmation on her transfer. His gaze delved into hers, betraying not a hint of what he was feeling. "Why are you here, Eira?"

His suspicion was justified. In her mind, there was a fifty-fifty chance of him welcoming her like an old friend — despite the years — and the other where she would be met with distrust. Based on his rigid reputation, she already suspected it would be the latter. Green eyes hardened, seriousness contradicting her initial sparkle. Honesty would be the best answer. "I wanted to see you. I came here to be with you, Lars."

That was the last thing he expected. His mouth flattened, jaws clenching. That could also mean plenty of things. He didn't know why she sought him now after fifteen years but, now wasn't the time. Sighing, he ushered her out. "We'll discuss this later."

At the docking bay, the others were already boarding 'phantom', their unit's hypersonic aircraft —a black polished beauty equipped with state-of-the-art technology restricted only to Ataxian military units with a stark number six painted on its empennage. The engines fired in a resounding low hum, a blast of hot-air spiralling through the space.

Eira gaped at the massive aircraft as the turbulent winds whipped her braid. Back in Skocia, they only had military choppers and desert jeeps and bikes for transportation — mostly manually operated. Ataxia's machineries were on a whole other level.

Over his shoulder, Lars shouted to her. "Where is your reaper?"

Earlier on when she had arrived, they told her that she could retrieve her weapon from the take-off bay. It should be around here somewhere. Glancing around, she spotted the huntress's case on one of the metal shelves. It seemed they had delivered her things on time. "I'll be right back!"

While Lars waited for her, phantom's technician approached him with an information tablet. "There's been a mandrillus attack in the north towards Mount Aprines. This is your brief. I had phantom oiled and checked yesterday, so she's revving to go."

The bay doors dragged open, signalling phantom's imminent departure. Lars nodded. "Thanks, Caio."

Eira returned, hefting a large case over her shoulder. "I'm ready."

"Gear up inside," Lars instructed, marching up the closing hatch. Everyone strapped in, feeling the purring vibrations of the phantom's thrusters roaring to life. Off they went, speeding down the runway and lifting skyward. From the small, oval window, Eira saw the Ataxian base disappear behind a veil of clouds.

Once turbulence stabilized, she unlocked her case and removed a collapsible crossbow made of carbon fibre. It was sleek and refined and sturdy at the arched limbs. Double-edged cuffs held the structure steady, lined with shafts of pure carbon.

"What an odd-looking weapon," Florian openly observed.

"Yes." A ghost of a smile touched Eira's lips. "This is the huntress. It's not a looker while inactive but, it has saved hundreds of lives." Demonstrating for him, she slipped her forearm through the cuffs, the weapon reaching the crook of her elbow. "Over the years I had it modified to suit me on the field." Fascinated, Florian watched as the huntress connected with its wielder. In a flash, the unremarkable weapon spread its curved limbs — a soft, translucent membrane reminiscent to a bat's wing structure. A silver tip arrowhead protruded from the front cuff, aligning between Eira's knuckles.

"Incredible!" Florian stared closely at the fine mechanism. "These cuffs are loaded with arrowheads?"

"Kraz. Yes." Eira pointed at the lined carbon shafts. "The arrowheads attach to these expandable shafts — ten shots maximum." Grabbing her reload magazines, she secured them to her waist belt.

"You're a long-range hunter," he marvelled, excited to gain a new training partner. Besides the Captain, he was the only other long range hunter in the unit since Koga and Anaelle's skills leaned towards close combat.

"Florian's the best sniper in Ataxia," Koga interjected with censure in his tone. "In other words, he's unrivalled at long-range hunting. I have yet to meet anyone on the same level."

When Eira had applied for the transfer, the team's rejection never crossed her mind. It seemed that it would take time for everyone to warm up to her. No matter. As a female hunter, she was used to being underestimated. Unit six's mild disapproval was a walk in the park compared to how her superiors had belittled her prior to her success. Mustering her usual confidence, she threw Florian an undaunted glance. "Then I hope you won't mind having a rival."

Florian's teeth flashed at the open challenge. How intriguing — a woman brave enough to compete with him. "I look forward to it."

Lars emerged from the cockpit with his reaper strapped to his back, the austerity of his mood unwavering.

"Captain, what's the situation?" Anaelle demanded at once.

"A troop of mandrillus have invaded the treefolks village at the foot of Mount Aprines. We are required to exterminate them and protect the villagers until relieve aid arrives. Anaelle, what is your uptake on mandrillus behaviour?"

Picking up her tablet, Anaelle swiped the screen. "A level three threat, the mandrillus is descended from the primate family and is classified as pack predator. Its strength is focused on their long barrel arms and flesh ripping canines. Mandrillus troops are male dominated and is commanded by a sole leader. To take down the troop, we need to take down its head."

Nodding, Lars said. "Koga and I will oversee the rescue. Anaelle, you'll cover us from behind." Turning to Florian and Eira he ordered. "The two of you will move to higher ground and dispatch as many predators as you can. Unless required, do not move from your post. Remember, unit six works as a team. We support and protect each other. If you can't do that or play by the rules, then your services aren't needed." He paused for effect. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Affirmative, Captain!" the team roared, startling Eira.

Her eyes clasped with Lars, and she knew he was saying this for everyone's benefit – to remind the team that she was now a member, and for her to be aware of how this unit operated. Eira wasn't foolish to believe he was being kind. Swallowing hard, she gave him a small nod.

Satisfied, he strode towards the opening hatch. The speakers crackled with the pilot's distorted voice. "Three minutes to drop off." Phantom slowed down noticeably, and everyone prepared to disembark. Eira followed suit, but Lars caught her arm. "Be careful."

His concern elicited a wry smile from her. "Don't worry, Captain. This isn't my first rescue mission. I'll be fine."

Convinced, he released her and headed the team. "Remember — kill on sight. Now, fall out!"

As the team scattered, Florian approached Eira. "Here, put this on." He dropped a wireless earpiece communicator into her palm. "It'll allow us to communicate within fifty feet of each other. This was meant for my long-range partner, and it seems like you're it."

She appeared nonplussed. It was true that Vice-Captain Florian was the friendliest amongst them but, he had no reason to watch her back. Unit members were killed in action all the time. It was human nature to save themselves before others. They weren't 'friends', at least not yet.

Her confusion must have shown because he smiled. "You'll learn that unit six works differently. You may be my rival, but we can also be friends." He urged her to fit the device into her ear and tapped on his own. "If you need help, just ask." With that, he disappeared into the thick forest, surprisingly light-footed for his bulk and height.

Eira stared in stunned silence, feeling a lump rise in her throat. When was the last time she felt this way? The warm reassurance of having someone at your back. It was familiar yet; time had robbed her of remembering this sense of security. "I'm glad. It seems I hadn't made the wrong decision to come here."

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