
Battle Trails

"What do you mean V sucks?! he's one of the best characters in the game!"

"Ya, if you can't combo for crap. All you do is just press one button then BOOM S rank. V is so cheese"

It was currently the next day and everybody was currently at lunch. Everything so far was going exactly like cannon. Shin wanted to take this chance to finally start a conversation with her as he never got the chance to do so the previous day but was whisked away by Denki and Goku. So now he is currently sitting with the rest of the boys

"What about Nero Huh?! If V is so cheese, then what about him! all you do is select a devil breaker like ragtime then you get an easy combo. NO SKILL!"

Currently, Shin was having a conversation with Yamcha and was talking about DMC 5 in which Yamcha was defending V saying that he was a good playable character. which Shin obviously disagreed with

"Nero is supposed to be an easy character to learn but hard to master. His Devil Breakers allow him to do things that Dante and V can't. You feel satisfied if you can do a hype combo with Nero. Can you say the same with V? NO! If you main V then your trash that's it

Before Yamcha could argue back, Tien butted into the conversation

"But we can all agree that Dante requires the most skill right?

In which both agreed

"Then that's it end of the discussion. let's leave it on a good note"

Before they could talk, even more, Kaminari got everyone's attention

"Boys, Boys, Boys... Today I gathered all of you today to ask you a very simple question. You see, there's one thing that ties us all together. it is not games, nor food, NOR JOJO! It is something we seek and desire every day of our lives. something that keeps us awake at night. GIRLS! so I ask you this not as friends but as COMRADES. Who are the prettiest girls in our class?

Silence filled the table. Soon everybody turned JOJO serious. Even Izuku who is the definition of nervous suddenly turned into a man filled with confidence

Tenya then adjusted his glasses, pushing them upwards while somehow making them light up "Even though this is an inappropriate conversation topic. I don't see any harm in it. Words have never hurt anybody.

Then Kirishima pulled out a notebook seemingly out of nowhere. " This notebook is filled with names of all the girls in our class. We will randomly choose a name then we will discuss whether they deserve the pretty girl statutes. After discussions, we will finally decide with a yay or nay. Do we all understand?

Everybody shook their head in unison

Then Kaminari took his place back as the speaker "Since today is the first meeting we will choose.....

So started the tradition that every male student from generation to generation would know. A secret If known by even a single female would lead to a fate worse than death. Today The Boys Coalition(TBC) was born

After a heated discussion, they all finally came to an agreement and proceed with the notion. After that the boys and girls all grouped up and went back to class and everything went normal for the rest of the day


It was the next day and classes went as usual. Mostly being taught by Aizawa. their homeroom teacher. On some occasions, President Mic would be teaching them. It was another normal day until they heard rapid footsteps coming towards them. after a while, they finally heard a familiar voice.

"IT IS I, ALL MIGHT! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!!" He said as he opened the door. definitely coming through like a normal person


Everybody was excited! All of them knew that he would be teaching this year but never in their wildness dreams that All Might himself would be teaching them personally

He did his iconic smile and continued talking "I will be personally be helping you with Hero Traning. All of You will be learning the fundamentals that will help you be the heroes of tomorrow! Let's get started, shall we?" He then pulled out a white card with red letters that said BATTLE

"Today, we'll be doing Combat Traning"

soon as he said that everybody went wild! Finally, after days of doing nothing but boring stuff, now they can actually do something exciting! Four shelves popped out with five boxes each

"These are your hero outfit! They are based on your quirk registration and the designs that you sent in before school had started! All of you get dressed and once finished, meet me at Ground Beta!" He then left the room

After he left, they all quickly changed into their brand new hero costumes. excited to see their design and even more excited for the combat training!


After a while, they all managed to get dressed and were currently at Ground Beta.

"Has anyone seen Young Shin And Young Goku?" said All Might as he looked around the monkey twins but were nowhere in sight

Then Tien spoke up He was wearing a Hanfu-style robe. black, pale yellow, and brown-red with loose pants and boots. similar to what he was wearing during resurrection F and onwards during super

"Last time I checked they were using the bathroom before they changed into their hero costume. Maybe there changing right now?

Yamcha then turned around to see both Shin and Goku walking through. "Here they are!" He was wearing his iconic turtle School Uniform with no undershirt with a different color scheme. instead of being orange and blue, he wears a black and blue variation

They all turned around to see both Shin and Goku walking out of the shadows. Goku was wearing his Xeno outfit. consisting of a black short-sleeved tight shirt, black pants, and a flowing red vest. He is also carrying a Power-Pole across his back

As for Shin, He was wearing the ultimate turtle hermit outfit that appeared in the Xenoverse games. consisting of a Gi-style vest wrapped around by a black obi tied in a knot over his waist while wearing baggy pants and Wrap black gloves that goes up to his forearms. His color scheme resembles that of Gotens orange and black to which shin's opinion, looks slightly better than the traditional orange and blue scheme

When all of them saw both of their hero customers, they felt like it suited them. The air of confidence they both give off and the power they both possess give them the feel of a true master martial artist. It's also not bad it's pleasing to the eyes as well due to their handsome faces

"Not bad you two I like! it" Commented Krillin. he was wearing the original outfit that he wore countless times throughout the show.

"So Manly!"

even the girls blushed at the sight of them. Chichi and Mina were looking over at Goku. While A certain long-haired pony-tail girl was looking over to Shin

"It seems that everybody is here" All might said as he did a quick roll call mentally

"Alright, everybody! Let's get started"

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