
Class 1-A

After a while of walking, they finally made it to their classroom

Class 1-A

"Who do you think is going to be in the class"

Shin asked his brother before entering. He wanted to know his opinion

Goku just shrugged and said

"I don't know. All I know is that Krillin did really well on the test so there's a chance that he might be in the class. I also did see a girl during the test that caught my eye though."

Shin was very surprised that Goku took an interest in somebody. Especially a girl

Shin then just wrapped his arm around him and smiled

"I can't believe my brother finally took an interest in a girl! I'm so proud of you. And here I thought I had to hook you up with somebody. I can't wait to tell Grampa about this.

Goku then just pushed him back

" It isn't like that! She was just strong, she was running around destroying those point robots with ease. After that, I saved her from falling debris due to the mayhem going around. That's why I took an interest in her that's all."

"Did she look cute?"


Goku blurted out. He then took a second to recognize what just happened and realized he fell for shin's trap and immediately blushed a little

Shin just laughed and finally opened the door to the classroom

"Take your feet off that desk now!"


"It's the first day of school and your already disrespecting this Academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!

"The hells your problem? Your old school put a stick in your ass or were you born with It?"

As Shin entered the classroom and immediately recognized the pair

Bakugo and Iida

He then looked around to see his other classmates

Momo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jiro, Todoroki, Tsuyu

The majority of the class from canon are still here. Except for four people

Sato, Koda , Mineta and Aoyama

"Ah, Goku! Shin! You guys finally made it"

Both of them turned and saw Krillin walking towards them

Goku then turned and started walking towards him as well

"Hey, Krillin. So you did pass the exam"

Then the both of them started talking about random things and took seats right next to each other

As both of them were talking, Shin walked towards an empty seat and settled down

As soon he was just getting comfortable, A particular red-head and yellow-haired boys came up to him

"Hey, your that manly guy that was crashing and blowing every single point bot! that was so Awsome!"

"Yeah man, that was so cool! The way you were just punching and blasting them to bits with those death orbs going BAAM! BOOM! especially with that big robot and how you destroyed it with that big blue beam. I have never seen anything like that I'm my life!"

Shin Just chuckled at the pair's antics. He really liked these two since they were one of his favorites from the show

"Thanks, I didn't realize that I was destroying so many point bots. At the time I was just having fun blowing them up to bits. I don't think I have introduced myself yet. My name is Son Shin it's nice to meet you

The pair both smiled

"It's nice to meet you too. The Names Eijiro Kirishima and this here is my friend Denki Kaminari."

As soon as they finished their introductions, two boys and a girl started walking towards the group. As they got closer Shin immediately recognized the trio. he could never forget people like them

"So you must be the guy everybody's talking about. I can see why."

One of them with a scar on his left cheek and right eye said. he also has claws of his fingers and a fang

then a guy seemingly with a third eye on his head spook up

"You have no idea how many rumors are going around about you. especially about the big zero-point robot

Shin was completely baffled. He didn't realize that so many rumors going on about him was so far spread out

" I didn't realize that so many rumors were going around about me. Hopefully, none of them are really bad"

And finally, the girl spoke. she had long black tied in a ponytail just like momo but a little shorter.

"Oh no, no of them are bad at all. it's mostly about what you did during the exam. I was so surprised somebody like you joined this year." "Is it true that you scored more even than All Might and your the highest recorded score holder in UA History?"

At this point, everybody in the class was listening in and was awaiting Shin's response. All of them heard about the rumors going around but this was their chance to see if it were true or not.

Before Shin could even speak out a single word, Goku barged into the conversation

"It's true! Shin scored in total of 425. He scored 225 regular points and not only that he even scored 200 hero points!. To top it off he scored the highest on the written portion of the exam as well!"

Everybody was shocked! Never had they heard of somebody scoring so high on the exam not only that he even surpassed All Mights of 325. It was hard to even get 100 points and now somebody blew that score out of the park.

425 points! That's practically impossible!

Shin wanted to blow up his idiotic brother. He didn't want to show off his score as he was never like that before. Now his stupid brother went and told his score to everybody in the classroom.

After a while of Shin trying to downplay the whole thing and them asking questions like how did he do it or how did he get so strong, he finally managed to calm them down

"Wait, I don't think we told you who we are yet"

the three eye guy said and then started to introduce himself

"I'm Tien Shinhan"

Then the other two started to introduce themselves as well

"I'm Yamcha Rekishiyoma"

"I'm Chichi Suzuki, It's nice to meet you"

Before Shin could speak Goku again cut him off

"Hey, I know you! I saw you during the test. you were crushing those points bots"

Chichi turned around and took a good look before finally recognizing Goku

"It's you! I didn't recognize you. Thank you for saving me earlier if you didn't I would probably be in the hospital right now.

"Don't worry about that. I just did what anybody else would in that situation

"Still, in the end, you did save me so still thank you"

Then they started talking for a while before the door opened again

"Everybody be quiet and take your seats"

What came out the door was a guy in a sleeping bag. He looked like he hasn't slept in days

Then He came out of the sleeping bag, wearing black fatigues with measly black hair that went down all the way to his shoulders

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down. This is the hero course and time is a precious resource that some people don't have.

After that, he finally introduced himself

"My name is Shouta Aizawa. I will be your homeroom teacher"

He then laid pairs of short sleeve dark shirts with some shorts

"Put on your gym clothes and head out to the grounds and don't keep me waiting"

He then left the room

Shin knew what was coming next

The Quirk Apprehension Test

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