
Strong Enough

Devrim could feel this was some sort of test. "Give me the news in the order that makes the most sense," he avoided picking.

Darya seemed amused by his answer. "As you wish. Fortunately for you, the answers are one in the same. I think I found one of those rudder things which you desire."

Dripping, a tentacle reached over the side and placed a flat, carved piece of wood with a rod attached at one end. The rod was snapped not far above the wooden rectangle, but it was otherwise intact.

"Will this work?" The Emperor realized he knew nothing about rudders.

Schwinn studied it for a moment and nodded slowly. "It will work. Though it will be hard to attach in the open water,"

"It's also only one," Reyan crossed his arms as he stared at the mermaid. He doubted Darya's intentions more than a fish doubts he can fly.

"It was from one of the two ships that went down. Pookie ate the other, I'm afraid, and the other pieces we found that might have qualified were too shattered to be of any use." Darya bit her lip. "I am hurt that you think so poorly of me when I'm trying to help."

The fairy stuffed down his scathing response. Looking helpful would put Darya in the Emperor's good graces, but the people were still going to have one stranded ship. They needed a second solution, which meant the mermaid would have more time to spend with Devrim.

'That sneaky siren,' Reyan bit his tongue so hard it began to bleed. Then he cursed aloud.

Fortunately the conversation had moved on without him.

"Would you excuse us for a time? We have things we need to discuss." Devrim dipped his head to the mermaid, and she smiled in pleasure.

"Of course, Devrim," she hummed softly. "It is nearly dark anyway. we may not be the Selkies, but we still enjoy the moonlight. Make sure you see how my tail shimmers as it slices through the water. It is truly one of the wonders of the world."

Devrim dipped his head a second time. "We will speak again soon."

Satisfied, Darya returned to the water in the embrace of her pet. The Emperor motioned for Alvar, Reyan, Nurlan and the Captian to gather around.

"I had no idea mermaids could be so attached to humans," Schwinn tried to word his comment carefully.

Thankfully, the Emperor was not offended. He shook his head wearily. "Darya used her magic on me years ago. When magical beings do that, they can experience the person's emotions. I do think that she is unnecessarily attached because she has experienced so much of what I feel. "

"I heard she also used magic on the Nurlan. But I don't see her fawning all over him," Reyan huffed.

"Darya is probably a little power hungry too. Do not worry, the attachment is one sided." Devrim wanted to get away from the subject as quickly as possible and onto the actual problem. "How long will it take to repair the ship?"

"Hard to say. At least a day. Probably more. Doing any repair outside the ship can be tricky in open water." Schwinn was reluctant to commit to a hard timeline before speaking to Lucky. That kid would know better.

"Fashioning a second rudder out of an oar will take even more time if we want both ships to sail." Nurlan added.

"Could we not just pile all on one ship?" Alvar asked. "I know it will be cramped but it would speed things along, wouldn't it?"

"The biggest problem with that is our supplies. We barely have enough on both ships to feed everyone. When we move to one ship, that task becomes impossible. That ship is the difference between mild hunger and starvation." Schwinn did not mince words. "Either way, I am not sure how we can continue."

"But the magic!" Devrim spoke more to himself than the others. "By the time we get back and hire another crew, we will have wasted a month or more. The world might be cooked before we get where we are going."

"I must admit, the air feels warmer here than it should," Schwinn pointed to his damp clothes. "We should probably all be dying from the cold. I'm shivering like crazy, but I don't feel like I'm going to lose a limb."

"I do not know whether to be encouraged or frightened by that statement," Alvar furrowed his brow.

"What if we sent one ship back to Whitewater with most of the men?" Devrim began on a line of thought. "Then we could load all but the supplies they need to get back to civilization onto The Freiheit. Would that be enough to get us to the South?"

Schwinn pressed his lips together. He did not like this plan at all, but he answered the Emperor respectfully. "If there was a way to get both ships in working order, then we could theoretically do as you say. We would have enough to get us South, but unless you know exactly where we are going, we will have to turn back almost as quickly as we arrive." 

"I understand." Devrim tapped his chin. "If you didn't have to repair the ship, that would buy us an extra day or two of searching though, right?" 

"Hypothetically, that would be true. Our supplies will last as long as they last, and not using them here means we can use them there. But it is a moot point, isn't it, Your Majesty? The ship must be fixed now, not later." The Captain bowed to take and offense out of his words. 

The Emperor began to pace on the deck. The others backed up and let his mind work. Then, without warning, he hurried below deck. 

"Going to consult with the Empress," Nurlan told his old friend. 

Schwinn nodded thoughtfully. "Wise man. Especially since I think he is about to do something crazy...if I am allowed to say that." 

"We left the world of sane long ago," Reyan looked over his shoulder at the floating debris and shivered. "Crazy is the only thing that is left."

"And if you hope that the Empress is going to talk him out of a wild idea, you are probably mistaken. My wife is down there with them. Those two ladies are masters of making outlandish ideas work." Alvar puffed out his chest with pride. 

Rather than be reassured, the Captain began pacing himself. What in the world did the Emperor have in mind? He soon found out. 

Devrim hurried up the steps with a bound. "One question, Captain. The way that Little Bess towed The Infallible, is that easy enough to do?" 

"It can be done. It slows down the ship that is doing the towing. If you are hoping my ship can tow a second with a barely working rudder, then I will need to stop you right there." Schwinn stopped as Devrim held up his hand. 

"I have all the information I need. Thank you." With his plan in mind, the Emperor leaned over the railing and waved to the merpeople. "Darya!" 

A large creature lifted out of the deep with Darya in its tentacles. Her enchanting smile did not have magic behind it, but it was no less brilliant.

"Yes, dear Emperor?"

Devrim was forced to ignore the familiar tone. "Darya, you mentioned that you spoke to the horned whale and clearly you are familiar with this many-armed creature. Are you able to communicate with all manner of sea life?"

"All of those with any intelligence, why?" Darya raised one eyebrow.

Taking a deep breath, Devrim continued. "I was hoping one of your larger friends—two of them, actually—could help these ships reach their destinations. One will need to be towed back to Whitewater and the other needs to go to the South."

"You want me to use my connections so you will not be stranded?" Darya chewed her lip in contemplation. "What is in it for me?"

The mermaid batted her eyelashes, clearly hoping for an offer that Devrim would never make.

Fortunately the man had an answer ready. "Help us and we will restore your magic."

Darya's coy expression faded, replaced with annoyance and then confusion. "You are serious?"

"Serious as a my urge to snap your neck for trying to seduce my friend's husband!" Reyan blew out his cheeks.

Alvar looked at him in astonishment.

"What? We were all thinking it. I'm just the only one brave enough to speak my mind."

Darya ignored the fairy and stared deeply into Devrim's eyes. "You are serious," she spoke barely above a whisper.

Her smile was gone, and she looked so natural for a moment that Devrim got a clear view of the creature hidden beneath the temptress facade.

Her haughty expression returned an instant later.

"Very well, Emperor. If it is a ride you want, a ride you shall get. I only hope your ropes are strong enough!"

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