

Cafer nearly dropped the tray of tea he was preparing to bring to the table.

"You what?" He asked through gritted teeth. Had he heard correctly?

"I moved the coronation. My sister has fallen deathly ill, and I will not complete the ceremony without her." Alaron pretended not to notice the gnome's anger.

"Of course we want Princess Mairwen there, but you should really reconsider." Cafer brought the tray over and set it down. He hid his annoyance behind a placating smile.

"It is already done. There is nothing to reconsider." Alaron shrugged. "I am surprised," he said as he eyed the tea. "I thought the servant who came to me said you wanted to make amends, Cafer, and yet you did not even inquire after the health of my sister. Your thoughts went straight to how you were affected. It is as if you did not care at all." Alaron tapped the tips of his fingers together as he waited for the response.

Cafer was taken aback. Somehow this boy had placed him on the defensive. Alaron was usually hanging on his every word or at least not openly defying him. The boy was clearly still angry.

"Of course I want to know how Her Highness is doing. I am very concerned that she has fallen ill today of all days." Cafer mused. The accusation was not lost on the boy. It only made him more angry.

"Yes, I would hate to think that the events you caused yesterday brought on her illness." Alaron leaned back in his chair in challenge.

Cafer missed the boy's wince as he struggled for a reply. "I apologize for the misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding?! You went against my explicit wishes. Something you assured me that you would not do. What exactly do I not understand?" He regarded the steeping tea, his own mood mirroring the steam that rose from the pot.

The advisor sighed. "For all the previous rulers I have served, I have cleaned up the messes and gotten my hands dirty when they did not want to..." Cafer sat down and patted the prince on the knee. "I was merely doing what I felt was my duty by making sure those who escaped during the dragon's assault would not cause a problem."

"You did this for Aurora?" Alaron asked.

"You know how Aurora felt about me," Cafer evaded.

"And the other rulers, those Emperors and Empresses, did they know how you cleaned up their messes?" Alaron inhaled deeply trying not to overexert himself.

The advisor nodded. "Of course they knew."

"So I am the only fool among the long line of rulers to which you feel you cannot reveal your plans?!" Alaron raised his voice and banged his fist on the table.

Just then a servant entered with a hot tray of food. She set it down in the blank space on the table. Looking between the scowling prince and the defensive advisor, she curtsied and hurried from the room without asking if the males needed anything further.

Cafer managed to close his gaping mouth. "What has brought on all this?" The boy had always been insolent, but never toward his advisor. Suddenly Cafer felt the slightest bit of sympathy for Aurora. Alas it was fleeting. "I only act in your best interest, Your Majesty."

"NO!" Alaron screamed. Even Lukoss jumped along the wall at his outburst. "You have your own interest in mind not mine. If you cared half as much for the Empire as you did your own power, you would know I am not fit to be Emperor."

"Every new ruler gets cold feet," Cafer tried to soothe the boy's ego. "You will be a marvelous leader when you take the throne."

"Stop patronizing me. You only tell me what you think I want to hear. I have news for you: I do not want to be Emperor!" In his enthusiasm, Alaron nearly knocked the tea from the table. Only a quick maneuver by Cafer stopped them both from getting scalded.

"Mhmm. I see." Cafer's face hardened for a moment before his politician's mask was back in place. "I think your sister has been putting ideas in your head. Shaking your confidence..."

Alaron cut him off, "Stop. You will not pit me against her no matter what you do..."

"Of course not. A bond like that is very strong." The gnome said half to himself with a sigh. "I am sorry it has come to this." He poured the tea and offered a cup to the prince. "I think your stomach is too empty, my boy. We shall talk more after we eat."

Alaron took a sip from the cup. The liquid was smooth and very sweet. He felt calmer. "Mmm that is good." He finished the tea, and Cafer quickly refilled his glass.

"Nothing but the best for you, Your Majesty." Cafer responded humbly.

"Don't call me that! I do not want that title...I..." Alaron could not finish his thought. A wave of warmth overwhelmed him as the tea hit his stomach.

"Please eat, before the food gets cold," the advisor urged as he spooned a generous helping on the prince's plate.

The more Alaron ate and drank, the better his mood became. He felt an overwhelming calmness, entirely forgetting why he had been angry. In fact, he could nearly say that he was happy in the company of the man he had despised just a moment ago. What a difference a full stomach could make! He chuckled at his own joke.

Cafer relaxed as the meal went on also, refilling the young man's glass as the opportunity arose. Alaron wondered at how diligently the gnome attended him. It was touching. Perhaps he had judged him too harshly.

"So my boy, now that your spirits have improved, tell me about Emperor Devrim's brother." Cafer said as he wiped his chin of crumbs.

Alaron furrowed his brow. "He has no brother. He has no family at all other than Aurora."

"Hm, that's odd. Xander mentioned a grey-eyed man leaving the palace, and I just assumed he must be related to the late Emperor." Cafer mused.

Alaron chuckled involuntarily. What was he doing? Get control!

"Is something funny?" The advisor watched the boy carefully.

"No," Alaron said with a goofy grin. He tried to wipe it off, but it would not leave. He took a drink to try and clear his head, but it only felt more muddled.

Cafer nodded demurely. "Of course, Your Majesty."

"Do not call me that!" Alaron responded reflexively. Why had he said that? A memory pricked him. But it left as quickly as it came, leaving the boy confused.

"Then I will wait until the coronation to address you properly," Cafer agreed.

"Yes, yes… not until the coronation," Alaron repeated. His head began to spin.

"Perhaps you should go to bed, my boy. You do not look well."

"But Mairwen!" Alaron could not finish his thought.

"Mairwen will be well looked after. I think you have caught her sickness. You need rest." Cafer's voice was hypnotic.

"Yes, rest. I need sleep. You are right, Cafer. So, so wise..." his voice trailed off.

Cafer smiled. "Remember that, my boy. Always remember…"


After leaving the prince at his room, Lukoss turned the corner and transformed into Renat. With great care, he entered the princess's chambers and went to knock at her door.

The doctor admitted him. Renat made his final transformation into Alvar once the door was closed. Brinn and Nanny were gathered on the bed playing a game of dice. The he-elf was far too concerned to comment on how strange the two ladies looked playing a gentleman's game in a ladies bedchamber.

"What is wrong?" Brinn dropped her dice when she saw the other elf's face.

"I'm not sure." Alvar responded, clearly distraught.

"Where is Alaron?" Nanny looked toward the door with an expectant gaze.

"He went to his room. Cafer convinced him to go and sleep." Alvar rubbed his forehead.

"I watched them carefully. Alaron started so stong. He was just supposed to delay the coronation and put Cafer on edge. And he did a splendid job. Being obstinate has its advantages."

"But…" Brinn felt a sense of dread.

"But then Alaron snapped. He went from haught and angry to calm, then giddy and then had almost no personality at all." Alvar could not find better words.

"Oh no…" the doctor's eyes went wide. "I was hoping against hope that it was just misplaced."

"What?" Everyone asked as they snapped their heads toward the physician.

"A large amount of sedative is missing from my supply. It has the symptoms you described. In small doses it only makes you sleepy, but larger quantities cause the drinker to become easily swayed. Do you think Cafer has drugged the prince to make him comply?" The doctor wrung his hands. He should have kept better track of his medicine, but it was meant for good, not evil.

"I would not put anything past the gnome," Brinn mumbled.

"Come to think of it, he did not start acting strange until he started drinking and eating.

"Doctor, go and check on the prince. We must know for sure." Brinn nodded.

The doctor stood just as there was a knock at the door. Everyone shifted in the room quickly to make the scene more believable. Alvar admitted the guest, if he could be called that.

"I am very sorry to hear you are ill, Your Highness." Xander strode into the room with Lady Allyson on his heels. She looked stunned and scared.

"What is the meaning of this?" Brinn asked weakly to maintain her act.

"I am so sorry, Your Highness. He pushed past me." Allyson curtsied with pleading eyes.

"Surely you would not turn away someone who wishes you good tidings," Xander said with a pout. "I never thought you were that cruel."

Brinn dismissed Lady Allyson. Xander walked over to the bed and sat down. It was presumptuous and outrageous. Alvar moved to take off the man's head with his fist. Only a warning glance from Brinn stopped him.

"Cafer and I could not help but notice the poor timing of your sickness, Your Highness. It is most distressing," Xander pursed his lips. "Is there anything I can do to speed your recovery?" He reached for his tall boots and pulled out a small orb.

Before Brinn could answer his accusation, a bright, pleasant light engulfed the room, making the occupants smile with delight. They were frozen in time. Everyone except the pirate, that is.

Xander grinned also, before kissing Brinn's hand. "That should keep you occupied, Your Highness. I wish you a speedy recovery..."

Sorry for the later update. We have a lot of sickness at my house going on. Thank you for your patience!

NobleQueenBeecreators' thoughts
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