
Bad News

Aurora woke the morning of her tenth birthday with a sense of dread. Nanny hadn't woken her as usual, and her suite of rooms was eerily quiet. Usually in the morning she would hear the sounds of her bath being drawn and her breakfast being delivered, but today there was nothing. 'Something is wrong' the princess thought as she became fully alert. Her ears strained to hear anything, and finally she could barely discern the shuffle of feet outside her room.

Nanny opened the door and came over to the bed hurriedly. "Get dressed, child," she said with an urgency that Aurora had never witnessed. The girl obediently stood, rubbing her eyes.

Together they dressed Aurora in a blue gown with a white sash—the royal colors. "Is something wrong?" The princess seldom dressed properly in pretty dresses. She loved the look and feel of the gorgeous gowns, but they restricted her movement. Usually the girl opted for a loose shirt and trousers, which was far more common for boys her age. If a gown was required for her to wear, something serious was happening.

Nanny's expression softened as she searched for words. "Your father is sick. The doctors think he's been poisoned."

'How?! I just saw him last night,' the child thought, but kept the words to herself. Admitting she had seen the Emperor would only cause more trouble. "Will he be alright?" Aurora's earlier dread turned to panic. She couldn't lose the only person in the world who cared for her. It was unthinkable.

"I don't know," Nanny answered her honestly. "I hope so. We think seeing you will boost the Emperor's spirit. Perhaps you can help."

"Am I allowed to see father?" Aurora was surprised.

"Not exactly, but the Council is allowing it anyway. The Empress is on a tirade, overseeing the cook's torture personally. If they can discover the poison, perhaps they can find a cure." Nanny shrugged. She had overheard many conversations that morning and pieced together the gossip herself. When the Council had called for the princess, Nanny had nearly run to come get her.

The fat woman tied up the little girl's hair quickly. With the bow neatly in place, the dark strands of hair fell down her back like river rapids, wild and beautiful. Everything about the young princess was beautiful. From her dark mysterious eyes, creamy tan skin, and long flowing hair to her tall but lean frame, she looked like a painting had come to life. Nanny wondered, as many had before, if this was the reason Zephyra treated her with such disdain. Jealousy was a driving force behind many of the Empress's decisions. "You are ready," Nanny announced.

The pair walked calmly through the halls, Nanny glaring at anyone who shot them a curios glance. Aurora was not used to being seen, but she worked hard not to shrink from their looks. This was the time to be brave. Sticking out her chin proudly, the princess walked confidently through the winding corridors. At last, they reached the emperor consort's suite. A dozen guards stood outside his rooms, blocking their path.

"Let us pass," Nanny demanded.

"The Empress has ordered that we should not let anyone enter." The captain of the soldiers said calmly.

Nanny acted shocked, "She is not permitting the doctors to attend her husband?"

"No, the doctors may enter."

"And the apothecary? Has he been denied entrance?" Nanny feigned innocence.

The captain shook his head. "No, the apothecary is within."

"What about the nurses and healers? Surely you denied them entrance if no one should enter.."

The captain shifted his weight, uncomfortably. "No madam. All you have listed are within…"

Nanny narrowed her gaze, "Then how is it you would deny the Emperor's own daughter, his flesh and blood, who the Council has summoned? Do you wish to go against the Council?"

The captain looked around for help to escape, but none of the other soldiers would meet his eye. He cursed them inwardly. "I have no desire to anger the Council, but my orders are from the Empress and she…"

"She said you should not let anyone enter," the rotund woman finished his thought. "But I assure you this child does not qualify as 'Anyone'. She is most certainly a 'Someone'. Did the Empress a say anything about letting someone enter?" Nanny gave a knowing look.

It took a moment for her words to penetrate the captain's skull, but finally a light of recognition dawned. This girl was the future ruler. It would not do well to offend his future boss. "Stand aside for Princess Aurora! She has been summoned to see the Emperor."

The guards parted and allowed the princess and Nanny to pass. The girl wondered at Nanny's cunning, realizing that years of arguing with an obstinate princess had well prepared the woman for a battle of wits with the captain. If the situation had not been so dire, Aurora thought she might have laughed.

Passing through two larger rooms, the pair found Elias propped up on his bed surrounded by two dozen people. Each of them was poking and prodding the king, asking him questions or preparing a medication to help him heal. The scene resembled a disturbed anthill, and Aurora scratched her arm unconsciously. The emperor saw them enter, and he smiled so big that his eyes were barely slits.

"There's my ray of sunshine!" He called loudly. "You can all stop your ministrations, doctor. My daughter will be able to heal me with her smile."

Aurora's mouth dropped open. Her father had gone insane! The doctor kindly ignored him. "How does this feel, Your Highness?" He asked pressing his hand on the ruler's abdomen.

"Everything you do hurts like the pain of death, but I won't hold that against you!" Elias said brightly. His normally reserved and quiet demeanor was absent from this enthusiastic display.

"I appreciate your candid response," the doctor told him calmly. He stepped back and allowed Aurora to approach the bedside. The princess walked slowly, unsure of what to do. Elias held out his hand and she took it, relieved to see that he seemed pleased by her presence.

"I was hoping you'd come! These people say I've been poisoned, but you watch…I'll show them all and be better by tomorrow." Elias squeezed the girl's hand.

Behind her Aurora could hear the doctor and Nanny speaking. "What's wrong with him? I've never seen the Emperor like this."

The doctor's voice was grave. "I've never seen anything quite like this. He woke up so manic that he had to be restrained. The Emperor wanted to leave his chambers naked! We coaxed him back to bed, of course, but he's lost his mind. His heart is becoming weaker by the hour. If we don't find a solution, he will die."

Nanny didn't respond, and Aurora felt sudden tears running down her cheeks. How could this happen? There were so many safeguards in place including taste testers. Elias reached up and wiped the girl's eyes. "Don't cry on my account," he said, his voice suddenly tinged with sadness. "You are sunshine, not rain," Elias coaxed her gently.

Just then, Empress Zephyra burst into the room. Her eyes were wild and her face even more stern than usual. Elias smiled at his wife. She did not smile back. "What is she doing here?" the Empress demanded, pointing at Aurora.

"I requested her presence! Would you deny a dying man his wish?" Elias was unrepentant.

Zephyra softened for a moment, joining her daughter at Elias's side. "You old fool! Don't say such things. You cannot die. I will not allow it."

"Mistress Death does not fall under your dominion, my dear," the Emperor laughed.

"She will do my bidding this time, or I will defeat her." Zephyra said with a clenched fist. "The cook admitted her treachery. She poisoned you last night."

"Pray tell, what was the offending item?" The king asked like he was inquiring after the weather.

The Empress's eyes narrowed, "It was a piece of chocolate cake."

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