
Christ Tiu's Rise (IX)

"I'm telling you, it's the truth," said Jerrard. "The Empire is totally responsible for the downfall of the Universe Web."

"So, we are down another rabbit hole of one of your conspiracies," commented Chris. "I think the last time was about the fall of the Martians."

"Are you telling me the Martians mysteriously die right after the Atlanteans surrender?" he argued. "It's obvious the government is cleaning the house before the war. Anyways, that's not what we are talking about."

"It's been a few months, and this conspiracy has been retired by most people. Why are you so insistent?"

"I have this gut feeling that it's true."

"The technology behind the Universe was unlike anything anyone had ever seen–including the Empire. Who would have the capability of taking it down?" countered Chris.

"The Arcane Emperor can," Jerrard rebutted. "After seeing that floating city, I believe he can do anything."

Chris did not know how to argue this time. Many citizens were in awe after seeing the power of the Floating City. And every citizen has once dreamt of owning a floating city, traveling throughout the universe, and exploring countless dimensions. They will fight gods, discover new species and civilizations, and unravel new magic and the mystery of life.

And Chris swore to himself he would one day own a Floating City. The Dragon Potion he wants to buy is only level 3, meaning his magical talent will be mediocre. However, he is readied to save for thousands of years to buy a level 5. Then, he will save for a few million years if necessary to save enough money to purchase a Floating City.

Many people are debating whether the Floating City will become common among Arcanists. But he firmly believes that it will.

"Let's not talk about this," Chris stated. "How are things doing on your part? Did you save as I told you to?"

"Of course not," he replied. "We live in a dangerous time of war. Who knows when the Empire will suddenly begin to draft ordinary citizens? I have to live my life to the fullest before I die on some foreign planet fighting a bunch of moving skeletons."

"All citizens of the Empire are Aura Masters and only need little training to become proper soldiers. So, it's not far-fetched that there would be a draft," commented Chris. "However, I still don't think there will be one."

"Why? Do you know something?" Since his friend worked for the military, he might be privy to some unknown information.

"No. It's just my analysis."

"I see. So, why do you think so?"

"One word: clones," he explained. "Clone Mass Production Technology has rapidly developed in the past years. So, they will be used first in large quantity before it's the citizen's turn."

"That's true," responded Jerrard before sneering. Cloning and its use in experiments and warfare have been one of the Empire's most controversial opinions, resulting in many groups and protestors advocating for their rights.

However, after the events of the [Fall of Darkness], as the brutality of Magical Space Warfare is revealed to the public, many of them began to change their mind–especially when the possibility of drafting loomed over their heads. Of course, many people of conviction still continued their ideals. However, this scandal did significant damage to their cause.

"Alright. I have to go back to work," added Chris. He then ended the communication to finish his work.

"Only 17 years of saving. I'm so close," he muttered as motivation. He logged in to his coding software: it was an all-white space with nothing else in sight. Then, Chris used his Spiritual Power to write the codes.

After writing for a few hours, he suddenly received a notification. He knew it was not time to end his work, so it must be important. He exited the program and checked his email.

Immediately his eyes squinted. A new update to the library. A new era where everyone has magical abilities.

—-Scene Break—

Chris walked to the testing site. With his Honor Citizen Title, he was one of the first to have this opportunity. Although it has only been a few days since the update, he did not know he felt. After saving for so long, the thing he had dreamed about for decades was not available to everyone in the Empire.

Before meeting the woman in charge of the test, he went through the proper identification process. And he was somewhat dazed for the entire process.

"Excuse me. Is it true that I will become an Arcanist?"

"Yes, you don't have to worry."

"What about talent? Will this not be an issue?"

"Yes and no," explained the lady. "In the first awakening procedure, the amount of mana you contain in your body will be determined by your talent. However, a second procedure will give you a unique bloodline guarantee to reach Tier 3. However, the time it takes to reach there, how strong you are, and your mana regeneration and control will be based on talent and knowledge. Also, your effort."

"I see."

"Let's begin the test first."

The woman had Chris place his hand on a crystal orb.

"Huh?" muttered the tester.

"Is something wrong?!" Chris was worried that he was some sort of anomaly and that the new method would not work for him.

"No. You have a natural Willpower of 2."

"Is that bad?"

"On the contrary, it's really high," explained the tester.

"Is the maximum level 3?"

"No, 10."

"And 2 is a high number?"

"Correct." From the information she received, most Tier 10 Gods will only have this level of Willpower.

Chris did not know what to say. "So, what does this mean?"

"You will receive some grant from the government."


"Don't get excited. Willpower will only become beneficial after Tier 6 and above."

"That won't stop me," argued Chris. He finally found something about him that was not ordinary. So, of course, he would be excited.

"That's the spirit," encouraged the tester before bringing him to a room with a magical circle on the ground. A flash of light appeared, and Chris disappeared before reappearing in another room full of books.

He did not look around for long before sensing a mysterious power acting on his body. After a few minutes, he felt something inside him.

"Is this mana?" he muttered with excitement. Then, he tested it out.

"Lumos," he chanted. A spark of light flashed in his hand before disappearing. However, Chris was excited beyond words. He had read about the first-year curriculum of magic schools like Hogwarts and remembered the spells and the theories. He focused more before chanting again: "Lumos." After four attempts, he finally created a ball of light in his palms.

Then, Chris laughed like a maniac. Tears fell down his eyes as he looked at this tiny piece of the floating ball.

"I'm an Arcanist."

Blop! He fell to the ground, feeling a wave of weakness overcoming him.

"As expected, a small mana pool," he muttered. However, the happiness on his face did not stop. While resting on the floor, a book flew over and landed on his hand.

"Is this my grimoire?" The tester explained many things to him. Chris opened the book.

"Velocity Magic. Isn't that Vector Transformation from that one paper I read?" Chris was excited since his natural magic was quite powerful. Nevertheless, he reigned in his emotions since he knew he had a long way to go.

Chris stays on the floor for too long to recuperate. So, the tester summoned him back before giving him a Mana Regenerating Potion. He drank it with embarrassment.

He proceeded to the next step, where he was placed in a machine and underwent some sort of surgery. They asked him what bloodline he wanted, and he chose the Archwizard Class without hesitation. He had no desire to become a Priest, Archer, or Crusader.

After the surgery, he did not feel much different. The tester then handed him a magical artifact in the form of a watch. The watch would teleport them to a dimension where he has to kill a bunch of magical creatures. This will then result in Skill Points that he can use to increase his stats–including mana.

"This sounds like an RPG Virtual Reality Game in real life," commented Chris.

"It is."

Chris was shocked as he realized how far the Empire had reached in such a short time.

"Here is a booklet explaining everything you need to know about this dimension," continued the tester. "Take care of the watch. You only have it because of your title. Other citizens must go to the designated area for their training."

Chris nodded as he felt lucky for this treatment. He also guessed it was not only because of his Honor Citizen Title but also because of his Willpower.

He rushed home to read the booklet and prepare. His magical path was right before him. As such, he did not want to waste time.

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