
Chapter 119: Parallel Roads, Part 3

Cyrus watched Thomas enter the party through the door and immediately make a bee-line towards Katya. He had left the conversation he was having with Lesley and Harold and quickly intercepted his girlfriend.

"Come on, Kat, let's dance," Cyrus said, pulling her by the arm.

The song that had just started was Blondie's, "Heart of Glass."

"Hey, Cy, what's goin' down? You've never asked me to dance before," Katya exclaimed as she allowed herself to be guided to the dance floor.

Cyrus was dressed sharply in a black leisure suit with a black shirt with wide white lapels and black bell-bottomed pants. He wore a gold medallion. However, his dancing didn't match his look as he stumbled around the dance floor as if dancing by himself.

Katya drew him into her by occasionally grabbing his arms or touching his shoulders. Cyrus couldn't help but notice how sexy she looked in her '70s outfit, but he wasn't sure he approved of her dressing that way in front of the others, especially Thomas.

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