
Chapter 5: Starting Time, Part 5

September 15, 2036

One month later

"All right, Dawn; let's try again," Jim Hamilton said. Professor Hamilton was National's top instructor. "You're doing much better. Now concentrate on the river below and think about twelve midnight on September 13. That's two days ago." The instructors always liked to train by having the pilgrims jump to an off-hour time.

"Professor Hamilton," Katya called as she walked by, "you're about to see me. I ran into you two nights ago."

"What...why?" he tried to ask, but she was gone. "Well, then, Dawn, let's give it a try. Remember now, two midnights ago. Make sure you concentrate on this spot. I'll go first and wait for you."

Professor Hamilton vanished and faded in at 11:59, one minute before the appointed time. The lab was dark, but over in the corner, he noticed Katya.

"Burning the midnight oil, I see, Miss Sevnik. You just told me I was going to run into you."

"Well, then, I'm going to have to make a point of doing just that," Katya replied.

"May I ask what you are doing?" the Professor inquired.

"I'm building an AI circuit for the Clock Tower group. It's going to make their food preserver work if I can tune it just right. I've just been too busy during the day. Cheryl bumped me up to coordinator for the research pilgrimages."

"Ah, I see," said Professor Hamilton. "When do you think they'll let you make pilgrimages again?"

"I have no idea, but I hope it's soon. It has been nice getting to know everybody here, though. I didn't make many friends at Waltham."

"Well, I'm sure it will be soon. Talent like yours should not go unused," he said and then suddenly looked around. "Dawn should be here by now."

"How is she doing?" Katya asked.

But before he could answer, his mini-tablet started to beep. "Who could be contacting me at this hour? Hello!" he answered abruptly. "Miss Knight, where are you? I'll come and get you. Stay out of sight and be safe."

"Where is she this time?" Katya asked.

"She's on the other side of the river. She's done this before. She has gotten better at jumping to the correct time but ends up across the river. Luckily, it's near the National Street train station so she can duck in there."

"Would you like me to go get her?" Katya asked.

"No, that's all right. I'll work with her some more. Good night, Katya."

* * * *

Once back at the Center and in the present day, Dawn was noticeably sad. She was giving it her best effort and yet she just couldn't seem to master time travel. Jim Hamilton was a nice enough man and a good trainer, but he lacked patience. After a few more failed attempts, she went to the cafeteria and sought out a corner to sit and cry in. Katya spotted her while coming in for her second cup of tea.

"Why so glum, chum?" Katya put her arm around Dawn.

"Oh, it's nothing," Dawn answered, embarrassed to be caught crying.

"Come on, sweetie. It will help to get the cat off your chest."

Dawn gave a half-laugh through her tears. "Girl, you can always make me smile. But I don't feel much like smiling."

Katya didn't understand what she'd said that was amusing but pretended she did. "So, tell me," she urged.

"I don't think I'll ever become a time pilgrim," Dawn said. "I have the ability but just can't seem to master it. I'll either be canned or spend the rest of my days working as an errand girl."

Katya thought about the word "canned" for a moment. "You won't be sacked, Dawn. I know Cheryl wouldn't let go of anyone who has the ability. I think they're training you from the wrong angle. Your ability lies more in travel through space than time. That's a hard thing to do. I have a feeling you'll be able to master that, and it could be very useful to the Center."

Dawn thought for a moment. "But how can I be trained when nobody else can move through controlled space?"

"Well, I can," Katya answered. "But I find it extremely difficult. It completely wipes me out afterward. I bet if we worked together, I could help you master it."

"Oh, would you help me, Katya?" Dawn pleaded.

"I'll talk to Cheryl," Katya said. "Now wipe away those gloomy dooms and let the sunshine in."

* * * *

"But, Cheryl, think about it this way-" Katya was trying to keep up with Cheryl's fast pace as she walked to her car. All three Callahans commuted from Chicago but sometimes stayed at National in a room set up just for them. But this was Friday evening, and they usually went home for the weekend.

"Katya, we're a time research center," Cheryl cut in. "Moving in space can have unstable consequences."

"But listen," Katya started, "once she masters it, she might be able to time-travel and pinpoint her jump to just one foot away. Think about someone being able to control space and time...like last month with the Alpha group and the Memphis project. They wouldn't have had to drive or fly down there."

"Yes, I know, and I also know that Dawn-who wasn't part of the Memphis project, mind you-took it upon herself to attempt to travel to one of the Memphis tragedies. Obedience, Miss Sevnik, is also an important part of the training." Cheryl looked at her. "All right, you may work with her. But I want to see the results in report form."

"Yes!" Katya threw her arms around Cheryl's neck. "Thank you, thank you."

Cheryl smiled at her. "I wasn't always a strict school-matron type. But please don't make me regret this."

"I won't."

"Oh, and please help train her in time travel as well," Cheryl added as she climbed into the car with her husband, Kevin, in the driver's seat.

"You can count on me, boss," Katya said as she skipped back into the building where she ran right into Cyrus.

"Hi, Cyrus, aren't you going back to that big metropolis you call home?"

"No, I, ah..." he paused, then sighed. "Oh, I was going to say that I had tons of work to do, but I may as well just come out with it."

Katya blinked once and stared at him.

"I was wondering," he continued, looking down at the floor, "if you would like to go grab a bite?"

Katya thought about the words "grab a bite" carefully. "Oh, you are asking me to dinner. You are asking me out on a date?"

"Well, yeah," Cyrus answered.

"Shut up!" she said excitedly. "What did you have in mind?"

"Have you ever been to Gromer's Charhouse?" he asked.

"No," she answered. "I've always hoped to, every time I pass it on my way to the park. But I have to stop home and change first. Do you want to meet me, or should I drive?"

"You drive. I've been anxious to see your house."

Cyrus noticed that Katya handled her car-like everything she did-with exact precision as she pulled out past the old watch factory depot. Although he'd never seen her house, he knew instinctively which one on Sunset Drive belonged to her.

"Make yourself at home," she said to him. "Have a look around."

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