
Chapter 86 Advancing Tides

Six Months Later

A soft breeze blew through Litralia's study window as she sat alone. All her children were in some kind of training. With the school year finished Lanthim had instructed that his three siblings should enter the forest. To experience the life necessary for them to eventually reach the library within. While this was all well and good a slight bump had arisen over the last few months. To be precise Illtris was currently pregnant with her second child and Melryn's first. When the announcement was made everyone was excited about a new family member so soon.

That being said Lanthim continued to meditate after receiving the gem from Fralgwain. Everyone was forbidden from even entering the mountain. To the current day, Litralia helped her daughter-in-law to deal with the daily clan issues. Mostly little things between clans that had not had a senior subordinate clan above them for hundreds of years.

While everyone waited for news on Lanthim the world kept turning. So here she sat on the other side of the world from what she knew. All she had of her unmarried children were Syrelia and Aldain. Both had just celebrated birthdays in the last three months. Aldain the eldest of the two had turned fourteen with Syrelia the youngest turning twelve. Life was unfolding in ways Litralia could not even comprehend. Yet there was one thing she could not escape from. A feeling of loneliness that was not going away constantly ate at her. For a while now she had wished for a better marriage than what she had experienced. Now being divorced she felt more alone than before.

'Why does he stay in that room not seeing anyone? There is so much work that needs to be done.' {Litralia}

knock knock

"Enter." [Litralia]

As the door opened Litralia saw what should have been impossible. Her son Lanthim standing before her.

"Lanthim?" [Litralia]

"Yes Mother, I am here." [Lanthim]

Both stared at each other for a moment Lanthim with his eyes still covered. Made his way into the room with little effort standing beside her.

" You have been busy of late with all the nationally ranked clans barking like mad dogs." [Lanthim]

As he spoke Litralia could not help but smile all the while looking her son over hoping everything was fine.

"Everything has moved smoothly since you began meditating. Seeing as all had paid their wealth tribute before the clan was formed. They have mostly turned to petty bickering and hoping to overwhelm us in complaints." [Litralia]

"Please sit down Lanthim." [Litralia]

Returning to her desk Litralia watched as her son effortlessly sat on one of the many chairs in the study.

"You have settled in well I see hopefully you will not have to struggle too much here." [Lanthim]

Even though his eye had not fully healed Lanthim was still able through natural mana the world around him.

"It was not difficult you had everything dealt with so well I had little to worry about." [Litralia]

Turning over a page on her desk Litralia began to read. It was a report on grain shipments to the Thegoia Continent country or port not stated. These kinds of mass drop missions were in small frontier regions that could rarely get food from big urban centers. Due to the distance, they would have to travel. From the reports, the entire continent was enduring a significant famine this year. So food was being dispersed at discounted prices.

"I am pleased to see the clan running so efficiently. I thank you Mother for helping Leinea." [Lanthim]

"It is not only me, Mynrea puts forth a great deal of effort as well." [Litralia]

What she spoke was the truth ever since the beginning Mynrea had stopped at nothing to help her granddaughter succeed. All the while bearing a longing hopeful eye.

"I am pleased, but I am not here to talk of my wives. There is a matter that concerns me about yourself, Mother."[Lanthim]

Again both looked at each other Lanthim's face was unreadable Litralia on the other hand seemed excited by what he would say.

"You are lonely mother it is impossible not to see it." [Lanthim]

Looking back to her paper Litralia felt her feelings were flooding out of her. She did not cry but did feel emotional by the question.

"Maybe when the baby comes these feelings will subside. After being married for so long the companionship even if for a short time was better than this." [Litralia]

Still sitting Lanthim just nodded silently he could sense as the days passed his mother longing for so much love in her now lonely life.

"What are your thoughts on remarrying mother? I am sure you can find someone willing to marry a woman as young as you still are." [Lanthim]

This sudden question made Litralia shift in her chair to the point she nearly fell.

"That is a complicated question for me to just answer out of the blue you know." [Litralia]

"Yes, and yet it needs to be asked there are many men in the world most of which are not worth the gold in their pouches. We must speak of this matter now." [Lanthim]

At that moment, Litralia could tell that her son was serious about this matter. She knew the reason why, her son had it stipulated within the clan's practices that when she remarried and Syrelia married. They would both have matrilineal marriages bringing their husbands into the Drathalkin clan. In this way not reduce the number of women in the clan. This policy would also affect the firstborn daughters of any woman within the clan.

"Am I to be dictated to in this matter?" [Litralia]

"No not at all I simply wish to appraise your feelings on the subject." [Lanthim]

Lanthim was now in an awkward position. he could sense his mother was not pleased by this line of questioning. Yet he could do nothing as long as he did not know what she felt.

"If I did wish to remarry what could be done?"[Litralia]

Looking to the ceiling Lanthim pondered the question for a moment.

"Whatever you would wish to be done. There is no pressure or need to move swiftly in this matter. Unless you find your current situation unbearable enough to warrant action now." [Lanthim]

This answer was pleasing to Litralia who desired to end her monotonous lifestyle. After her last three children were born her former husband Nedral ceased almost all interaction.

'So there are no expectations on his part that I should marry.' {Lanthim}

This was comforting while at the same time daunting. If she wished to remarry her son would be with her. While at the same time, she felt such a choice would be difficult. Now being part of a new clan especially a clan that controls vast amounts of territory. Any marriage would need to be found not to clash with clan interests. That being said Lanthim did not seem to care all that much about such things. Therefore there was some confusion in her heart as to what the best course of action was.

"I do wish to remarry my son. However, I do not know the best way to proceed. There are too many unknowns." [Litralia]

A feeling of pulsed mana could be felt by her originating from, Lanthim. As if he was looking for something through the mana. Only a few weeks ago without the assistance of her son. Her first order seal had been released on its own. It had been a bizarre experience feeling the world in a far different way. But she had found what Lanthim used this place for. That being to destroy the order seals on a given person be it his wife or his mother. Or as she had realized his students. By allowing the seals to break down naturally the need for excessive mana control needed after a forced braking was minimized.

This being the case there was an opportunity to aim higher than she would have before. She had yet to cast off her first Neytriel but she could feel it coming soon. Therefore the prospects were not all that great among humans or elves. When it came to a good marriage the best possible candidates were among the students of Lanthim. There was potential in the dragon race but with their kind permanently trapped in the second order. An unequal marriage would breed animosity in time.

'But remaining here long enough the seal would eventually dissolve.' {Litralia}

Thinking this to herself she was still confused as to the right solution.

"There is no right decision to this question mother. All you need to do is tell me what you desire and it is enough." [Lanthim]

While she tried to look for the best option Lanthim cooled her expectations. In simple terms, he would give her whatever she desired.

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