
Who did this?! I

In the void of space near the enormous multicolored Rift.

Paragon Eric was currently standing behind a newly arriving figure that had adorned a simple white robe, this being holding a calm smile on his face as he listened to Eric and all the other beings around him.

He raised his hands soon enough to quiet things down as he spoke.

"We're only left behind with a little over 500 slots this time around, but we are much more prepared. Especially since the restrictions this time around are placed at the Nebula Rank."

With a steady voice, this being that was a level higher than Paragon Eric spoke, everyone around him paying attention as their eyes traveled to where his gaze was currently focused on!

It was on an orderly lined up group of NEBULA Rank Blessed that released a shocking air of power, each of them equipped in shocking armaments and releasing the aura of multiple lesser and Grand Daos.

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