
Chapter 6

- I see the ritual circle did its thing, didn't it? - he asked before standing up and turning to look at the boy.

- Yes, for the moment I still feel a little of its effects, although my body is just numb," the boy answered, looking at the ceiling.

He had returned to his previous position, when he had woken up.

- I... I apologize Issei-kun, due to my sister's whims you ended up suffering something you shouldn't have - He said bowing to the boy.

isseilooked at him in surprise, before smiling in a somewhat carefree way.

- You don't have to apologize, that's in the past... Although it hurt like hell to get rid of those feelings - He whispered the last part.

Both Demons heard it thanks to their senses, but chose not to say anything.

They both knew what he meant, Grayfia from seeing the boy's condition after the ritual and Sirzechs because she informed him.

- So what was the reason for his visit? Grayfia-san said she wanted to talk to me - Asked issei with doubt.

At the boy's question, the Maou put on a serious expression, worrying the boy.

- You see, for your achievements in the War... both the Council of the Underworld, as well as the Yondai Maous have granted you the Title of Great King, you have also been promoted to Supreme Class Demon - The red-haired man blurted out.


An absolute silence reigned in the room.

Grayfia had her eyes like saucers, Sirzechs kept an expressionless face and Issei put a hand to his chin digesting those words slowly, until he understood what the Maou Lucifer said.

Doing just one thing.

- Huh? Eh? Ehhhhhhhhhhhh?! - He exclaimed in utter stupefaction.

If it weren't for the seals of silence, that cry would have been heard by Michael himself up there in heaven.

- Yes, you were given the rank of Great King by being at the level of the Five Great Dragon Kings, plus you climbed the ladder of the Demonic Society by fulfilling the expectations of those old men - He explained briefly.

- Y-Ya ve-see, I remember that's one of the ways to become a High Class Demon next to the Rating Game - He spoke to himself.

- Congratulations Issei-san - Congratulated the silver-haired girl with a smile.

- Thank you... Anee-ue - He thanked with a small warm smile.

Grayfia reciprocated.

The red-haired man just blinked with confusion, but let it pass.

- Now you can form your own court, but for that you will need this - He said approaching the boy and extending him a black case.

The boy received it with hesitation, only to be surprised to see the design of a red Dragon on the lid, remembering that it was the one that appeared from time to time on the gem of his [Boosted Gear].

- With this you will no longer be under the orders of Rias, although you weren't anyway - Said the Maou.

The brown-haired man gave him a confused look, only to open his eyes when he saw what the red-haired man displayed on his palm.

- My eight pieces of [Pawn]... How...? - He inquired full of astonishment.

- The ritual not only got rid of your feelings for her, but of any link, including the pieces she used to reincarnate you - The Maou sentenced seriously.

Even Grayfia was surprised by what her husband said.

- You are free, right now you are a Dragon in the full extent of the word and that will not change, all because of that set of [Opportunity Piece] - He said pointing to the case that the boy was holding.

Issei looked at him questioningly, earning a small laugh from the red-haired boy.

- These chess pieces are special in that they do not turn whoever receives them into a Demon, but rather grant them the improvements over the pieces such as speed, defense and magical enhancement, but they will retain their origins - He explained.

- I think I understand, if I reincarnate a human, he will remain human, or am I wrong? - He deduced with some awkwardness.

- Exactly, they also increase their life expectancy to the same as with the [Evil Piece], Ajuka also told me that as they are a prototype he does not know what secrets they can keep, so he hopes you can inform him of any developments regarding those pieces - Commented the Maou.

The brown looked carefully at the case, until he felt tears falling down his face.

- Congratulations Issei-kun, you managed to become the strongest [Pawn], you have your own set of pieces so you can form your Harem and be the King, I expect great things from you - He said smiling as he saw how the boy crumbled in front of him.

No doubt he deserved it.

- Thank you... Sirzechs-sama... by the way, could I ask you a favor? - He thanked as he pulled himself together, to look at him without any hesitation.

- You say - Granted the Maou with intrigue.

- I want a trade between pieces with Rias Gremory, but if possible I don't want to have to talk to her, she will most likely refuse - Spoke the boy with pleading in his gaze.

Sirzechs was surprised, to then look at a certain Valkyrie sleeping next to the boy, and smiled slightly as he realized what issei intended.

He glanced sideways at Grayfia and seeing her faint smile she had, he knew that she had also realized what the boy was planning and also agreed.

- Then let's make the exchange between the House of [Sekiryuutei] and House Gremory - He conceded to the chestnut's delight.

- Thank you, Sirzechs-sama... Etto, what should I do? - He asked slightly blushing as he realized that little detail.

Both Demons blinked before smiling at the boy's cluelessness.

- Just choose the piece you will give him and recite this: 'Under the name of Hyodo Issei of the House of Dragons, I ask you to serve me from now on as my servant and family', not without first saying his name - Detailed the red-haired man.

The boy nodded, before slightly moving the girl next to him.

- Rose-chan, wake up - He asked gently.

- Mmmm... Issei? - She mumbled with an open eye and drowsy tone.

Realizing that the boy was awake, she sprung back up to stare at him, with tears forming in her eyes she threw herself on him.

- Buahhhh, don't ever scare me like that again, I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you, Buahhhh! - She cried clinging to the brown man, who patted her back and stroked her head to calm her down.

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