
Ransacking [3]

If I had to describe the treasure with one word, then it would have to be messy.

As soon as I walked into the room, I saw piles of useless armor and weapons stacked together in a corner. From the way the items were stacked, whoever was in charge of the place had no care for the items as he just carelessly threw them into the room. 

Regarding the room, the room was relatively spacious as it was about the size of half a football court. Not too big, but also not too small. 

In spite of this, the place wasn't well maintained, with cracks forming on the walls and a rusty and moldy smell permeating the space. 

'Do the demons not care about their own armory?'

I muttered as I stared at the place. 

Answering me was my other self as my mouth opened. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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