
Cleaning up [3]


Gerrard Lim - W.V. Pharmaceuticals chairman son 

Romelu Connel - Both his parents are A-ranked heroes, and work under platinum rank guild.

Adrea Forsetti - Son of the elder of Gladiatori, platinum rank guild.

Jessica Pandev - Daughter of one of the school instructors.

Gabriella Lemass - Daughter of branch manager of Ashton-district bank, one of the largest banks in the city. 



I closed my notebook. In it were all my notes on the five tyrants. 

"...well, things should work out for now" 

With Angelica's aid, I've already made my move. Now all I had to do was wait. 


Suddenly, Angelica called out for me. With her body curled up and resting on the bed, Angelica looked quite cute from where I was sitting. 

"Hm? Angelica? What's up?" 

"You still haven't told me why you made me do all of that" 

"Ah, that..." 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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