Six days had passed since the meeting with Amanda, and just like she had promised, my new sword manual arrived the next day.
When I first opened the package and saw the manual, I was once again reminded of how much influence Amanda had in the Demon hunter guild.
The manual looked like it had just been freshly copied, with no creases or stains on it.
It had to be noted that it was not that easy to make a copy of a manual.
Because for obvious reasons guilds were trying to minimize the circulation of manuals, a lot of procedures had to be taken before being allowed to make a copy of a manual.
It had to be approved by a vast majority of the board members and the guild master, and this was especially hard since a lot of the members were conservative people that hated sharing things with outsiders.
Simply put, the fact that Amanda was able to give me a copy the next day meant that she had just as much influence as her father. The guild master.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: