
Making Arrangements

In the end, a compromise was reached between the four of them. CEO Alex would four of his own bodyguards who had been with him for a long time and who he trusted whole heartedly to accompany him day and night for the next few weeks, including the meeting tomorrow where he planned to call out several people and raise hell overall.

It was clear that CEO Alex needed extra protection the next day, even with his trusted bodyguards. Thus, Boss Gaia decided to send Martis and three more of her most trusted fighters with CEO Alex. After all, there were very few people who could hold a candle to Martis's fighting skills. And Boss Gaia trusted Martis completely with her own and CEO Alex's safety. She was also aware of the difficult situation between Solis and Martis – she knew very well that a lifetime of wrongs couldn't be righted with a single apology, no matter how remorseful Martis was feeling. Besides, Solis showed no inclination to connect with his family or to ask them for any apologies or compensation. He had no intention to harm his half-siblings, either. After spending all these days with Solis and Noir, Boss Gaia understood the two young men somewhat. They weren't interested in seeking revenge or causing harm or humiliation to anyone – they really did just want to be left in peace. And since Boss Gaia understood this, she explained it to Martis as well and told him to lay low for a while. Time does heal all wounds, and it takes time and patience to build goodwill. Little by little, she believed that Martis would be able to show Solis and Noir that he really wanted to make amends for his earlier behaviour and his malicious thoughts, words and actions towards Solis. And once Martis had shown them his own sincere remorse and gratitude, Boss Gaia believed that Solis and Noir would soften their indifferent stance a little as well. Perhaps, a few years down the lines, they could even approach the semblance of a family…

In addition to CEO Alex's four regular bodyguards and Boss Gaia's four trustworthy fighters of Dragon's Breath, Solis also volunteered to lend CEO Alex his super secretary for a day. The elderly secretary wasn't very happy about it, but she was appeased when Solis made it very clear that her assistance was only for one day, and if CEO Alex tried to poach her, Solis and Rosea would immediately walk out of their precious collaboration deal!

CEO Alex was very grateful and thanked them profusely. Naturally, he also promised that he wouldn't even dream of poaching one of Solis's people.

With things settled, CEO Alex and Boss Gaia took their leave.

Solis and Noir went back to the files piled high on Solis's desk – well, the desk was now both Solis's and Noir's, in reality. Solis hadn't even considered appointing a separate cabin or a separate desk for Noir until one of his subordinates had brought up the matter recently, but Noir had refused instantly and decisively, but to Solis's satisfaction.

And thus the cabin and the desk had become jointly theirs…

Since tomorrow was going to be rather hectic day for the young couple, Solis and Noir decided to wrap up their work early today and head home. They didn't forget to send a rather generous bonus to the elderly secretary for the favour she was doing for them by accompanying CEO Alex tomorrow.

When Solis and Noir reached home, they found Anthem and Melody had settled in quite nicely and were watching TV while munching on a bunch of delicious snacks prepared by Auntie Fiona, the cook.

"Enjoying yourselves?" Noir asked, smiling at the two sword spirits.

"Very much so, dear nephew," Anthem replied, with a mischievous grin. "Come now, sit next to Uncle Anthem and tell me what you've been up to all day."

It was just like the old times, Noir thought as he took a seat next to Anthem and started telling the two sword spirits what had happened at work.

Looking at Noir's happy expression, Solis shook his head fondly and sat down next to his fiancé. Noir really did treat the two sword spirits as his aunt and uncle, he thought, and decided to do the same. Although Noir was a cheerful and adaptable person by nature, it must have been difficult for him to settle down in a new, completely unfamiliar world all by himself, especially when he didn't even know anyone here. Now that he finally had two people who sincerely cared for him and who had watched over him since he was a young child, Noir's demeanour had become much brighter and happier than before. And so, naturally, Solis wouldn't grudge the affection shared.

Anthem and Melody frowned deeply when Noir finished telling them about the problem with the immigrants.

"Noir's strategy is great," Solis spoke up in defence of his fiancé immediately, earning a bright smile from Noir.

"His strategy is fine, I agree," Melody said, but the frown didn't leave her face. "However, I have a feeling that matters aren't all that simple. I fear that someone in the shadows is trying to bring you to harm, and this thing with the immigrants may only be an incident to distract us from the main purpose…"

Anthem nodded. "Indeed," he said. "We will accompany you tomorrow." He looked at Solis and held out his hand. "Show me that little metal thing you called a 'gun' and tell me how it functions."

Solis blinked, surprised. But he didn't refuse Anthem, and obediently handed over his gun to the sword spirit.

"Anthem and Melody are very high level and powerful sword spirits," Noir told Solis. "They can change their form into any weapon. Although we didn't have guns back then – I'm sure they'll be able take these forms once you've explained to them how a gun works in detail."

Solis was absolutely fascinated by the concept that the two sword spirits could take the form of any weapon at all – so he enthusiastically launched into an explanation of how guns functioned, and soon enough, both Anthem and Melody had turned themselves into handy silver pistols!

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