

"Greetings Asuras" Said Aldir(Madara) the moment he walked inside the meeting room where the seven kings were.

"Y-you are not my son. Who are you?" Said Eifir while looking at Aldir.

The first thing that gave off was Aldir's appearance. His face was covered with cracks and his skin color was now Gray, not to mention his eyes that were surrounded by black color. And the last thing was his voice.

When the two guards behind Aldir(Madara) heard Eifir, they placed their weapons right on Aldir's neck.

Aldir(Madara) looked at the axe on the left and then the long sword on the right.

"Is this how you welcome your guests? I expected more from you, but it seems like you people are nothing but a bunch of good for nothing"

Madara's taunted words didn't affect the seven kings, but it did affect the two guards behind him.

"Calm down" Said Kazess who saw that the guards were gathering mana for an attack. " Who are you? And why are you using that appearance?" Kazess's words were carried by an immeasurable killing intent that caused everyone in the room to be shaken by it.

But that rule didn't work on a dead corpse.

"I killed this guy since he was quite a nuisance and decided to take over his body and pay you people a visit" Said Madara as he pushed away the weapons on his neck.

"That didn't answer our question. Who are you?" Said Eifir who seem Angry.

"You already know who I am" Said Madara as he looked at the hologram that was in the center of the table. This caused the seven kings to looked at it.

"So this is you…quite interesting" Said Elsa

The whole room was then covered by deadly aura that the Kings were releasing towards Madara.

"If you were the one who killed Aldir then what makes you think you can show yourself here?" Said Morgan

"You are not an ordinary human, are you?" Asked Vlad. 'I smell no blood on this one'.

"What are your motives?" Said Kazess who this whole time was just quietly observing Aldir(Madara)." You killed one of our kind, and yet you killed Agrona's soldiers. Which side are you? Who are you working with? What is your goal?"

Aldir(Madara) pulled out a seed from his pocket and throw it on the ground. The moment the seed touched the ground, it turned into a wooden clone of Madara.

Everyone in the room was surprised, but also on red alert as they watched Madara standing in front of Aldir with his red eyes glaring at them all.

"Hmm, from your appearance only you must be Kazess Indrath…your appearance is very catchable, I'm sure even the Dji…"

Before even Madara could finish his words. His entire upper body disappeared from the view and Aldir was missing his left side, only to reveal Kazess standing behind them.

The other kings were shocked by Kazess's action. They didn't know why he did that, but what they know is that he's not the kind of person to act rush.

"Why'd you do that?" Asked Morgan.

While the kings didn't know why he did that, Windson knew exactly what triggered his lord to act. 'The massacre of the Djin race'.

As Kazess was turning to look at the lower body of Aldir, he was surprised to see that the man possess no bones or flesh. But what shocked him the most were the piece of paper that were regenerating Aldir's body.

"I didn't even get to finish my words…it seems like you don't want them to know the truth"

Everyone turned to look at the direction where the voice came from and saw Madara standing near the window looking at the land of Asuras.

'How did he??' Thought Kazess as he turned to look at Aldir who had returned to normal.

Even the Six kings were confused by what just happened.

"I don't know what you're talking about. The reason why I killed you is that you killed Aldir and you dare use his body for display…but, I wonder how are you alive even though I destroyed your whole upper body" said Kazess.

"You can't kill me, none of you guys can, and the reason why I came here is to give you a warning" The serious face and tone Madara was using to look at Kazess didn't shake the man, instead it made his laugh.

"Haha, a lesser thing he can scare me…how pitiful. I've seen what you can do so far boy and let me tell you, your powers are nothing" Said Kazess whose voice came from his seat.

"Oh, is that was you think. Looking down just because you're the king of kings…I wonder if you also looked down on Mordain Asclepius when you killed him".

"What are you saying? And how do you know my son?"

"The missing prince, he disappeared and went to join Agrona"

"Me knowing your son is nothing special, but you need to know is that your son is not with Agrona. He was killed by him due to him finding a little secret about Kazess"

The six kings looked at Madara then Kazess who just looked at Madara. His indifferent face didn't show any expression, he just sat there listening to the nonsense that Madara was saying.

But, deep inside him. He was holding the urge to make Madara disappeared from the view of the world, but in order to not make himself suspicious, he remained calmed on the outside and act like what Madara was saying was nothing but lies.


"Is that true?!" Morgan slammed his hand on the table while looking at Kazess.

'This is perfect chance to destroy Epheotus from the inside ' thought Madara as he grinned after seeing that he got the attention of the Asuras.

"He won't talk right now, since he's planning a way to get rid of me. Have you ever wonder why did he expel Agrona? Why did he decide to give the rulers of Dicathen the artifacts to create the Lances? And why he killed your son?

It's because he was covering his mistakes. He was the one who order the massacre of the Djin after founding out that they can use Aether like his clan, so he decided to kill them after thinking that they might be able to cause him trouble in the future

But, after all of that, one must take the responsible for the massacring of a whole race and who would do better than the man who was interested by the way the Djins were able to do various things with Aether


Yes, he decided to put the blame on Agrona by saying that he massacre the Djins and was conducting experiments on them. He flamed Agrona and banished him.

And act like he was sorry, he gave those six artifacts to the rulers of Dicathen to protect themselves since he had killed the strongest race in both continents" Madara stopped in order to let his words sink inside their heads." But, then your son found out about the Kazess dark side. Kazess killed him to hide his secrets and continue to act like he doesn't know anything", Said Madara who was circling around the room while looking at the painting of the Indrath's past rulers that were placed on the wall.

"Is this all true?" Asked Ymeir while he and the rest of the rulers were looking at Kazess.


"You are quite good at story telling, but I have no Idea where you get that tale. All I heard were lies, I'm not the kind of man who would kill innocent of people and then murder my best friend

But if what you're saying is true, then show us evidences"

Kazess's words caused the rulers to looked at Madara who was looking at one of the painting on the wall without any worries.

"Evidence? There are no evidence since you have destroyed them all" Madara turned to look at the figures on the table.

"It's your choice to decide if what I said was true or not" Said Madara as he looked at Aldir who opened a portal for them to leave.

"Who said you can leave" Said Kazess as he used his aether to canceled Aldir's portal.

"Oh, is that a threat?" Said Madara as he turned to look at Kazess.

"My Lord, I think he might be using the same ability he used on me back then" Said Windson who was standing behind Kazess.

"So you finally figured it out" Said Madara as he let them see his Mangekyo Sharingan.

He had placed them all inside a Genjutsu from the moment he made contact with them.

"Very well then, since you know about it, I see no reason for using it now" Said Madara as he canceled his Genjutsu.

The first thing the Asuras noticed was that Aldir was nowhere to be seen, only Madara was standing there alone with his hand on his pocket.

"Something feels weird" Said Narnia

"Where is this mana presence coming from?" Asked Vlad. It wasn't just him who was sensing the mana presence, everyone in the room also felt it.

"Wait! It can't be" Said Kazess as he looked at Madara who let out a smirk before disappearing from the room.

The moment Madara disappeared, The whole Indrath's castle was swallowed up by the World Eater Technique that was used by Aldir who was outside the castle.

Seeing that his job was done, he opened a portal and returned to Dicathen.

(AN: I wonder if Arthur and his family were in the castle…well, who cares about it?.)

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