

After spending the most amazing hour, where we'd heard the life we'd made between us fill the room with his fast little heartbeat, Valerie and I had left the doctor's office riding high about our future as a family.

We'd had a free day and had planned to spend it at home after a quick visit to meet the obstetrician. My mouth was dry, so I suggested having a hot drink before we headed back, and I had taken her to a little café I knew. It was fabulous being able to sit in a public place and just be a normal couple.

After half an hour, we started to leave when I saw a young mom struggle to open the door of the café with a small child in her arms. Rushing for the handle, I pulled the glass door wide to allow her to enter hazard free, and when her eyes met mine a sordid memory flashed through my mind as I recognized who she was. Fuck.

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