

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Jumping from one tree to the other, Yuki slightly looked up at the sky for a moment. The sun went down long ago and night had fallen. It took her around a few hours to travel from her house to the far away riverside; the reason being the dense forest. She had to be extremely cautious of her surroundings and the route she took while traveling. There were times she had to encounter spies and bandits that would follow her.  

But she knew she screwed up today. She was supposed to meet her brothers around dinner time, but from the looks of it, it seemed past dinner time. Because of today's incidents, she got late and could only leave for her home after the sun went down. On top of that she had to change her route several times on detecting some Hanko clan ninjas out on the lookout for someone.

Yuki could not talk freely to Hashi. She thanked them and then quickly took off seeing the sunset. But her heart feel a lot lighter now than ever. She was so happy that Hashi wasn't dead. He was alive and healthy, and still laughed like an idiot. 

Thinking about him, a smile formed on her face.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Izuna felt his blood boil. To say he was angry would be an understatement.

The moment he came to know that Yuki wouldn't be having dinner, he felt suspicious but hoped that she would come back to the estate before he and Madara went to her compound. So he deliberately tricked the sensors guarding the gates into some other duty for a while, assuring them that Tajima had assigned the duty to someone else. 

He waited one whole hour outside on the edge of the forest area to catch her before anyone else would. He knew she will be entering the estate through the warehouse in the far back left region where the servants resided.

Sadly. She didn't make it in time. Madara already knew.

"*che* foolish girl."

The whole time various thoughts were muddled in his head as he tried to reason her secret outings.

'What if she's meeting up with someone like Aniki did back then? '

'What if they are Senjus ?'

Though possible, it didn't convince him enough. If she was meeting a Senju, they would either kill her or would try to take intel from her. Most probably they would kidnap her or fool her into a Friendly relationship. Neither of the case seemed to apply to her.

'So what is it?'

'Is it her way of annoying father?'


Yuki (12years old) was in the library, surrounded by huge piles of books. He picked one book to read. It mostly consisted of business tactics and finances, something he didn't expect her to study since she was always more interested in medical stuff.

"Why are you studying these?" Izuna asked as he sat beside her.

"I feel like our money management is quite messy" Yuki replied without taking her eyes off the book.

Izuna frowned, wondering if it's alright for her to interfere with the finances of the clans since the elders handled that.

"I don't think that's something you need to worry about Yuki."

Yuki looked up at Izuna, her eyebrows shot up "why?"

Izuna wondered how to explain to her the political aspects behind the finances. The truth is: it was ugly. 

The elders were the most respected people in the clan, but he and Aniki and a handful of their trusted comrades knew how these cunning old hags were trying to control Tajima and manipulate the clan people to their will. 

Madara despised them but decided to keep silent for now. He had told Izuna that he has 'plans' for these old bastards once he becomes the leader.

Izuna was well aware of the financial problems for a while now. The management was really poor ever since Anko Uchiha, their mother, had died. She had a good hold over the Uchiha treasury since she was the daughter of Tatsui Uchiha (one of the most respected elders) and didn't allow any form of corruption. She brought up new regulations and even executed one of the elders for stealing treasury money, which ultimately angered the higher-ups. There were even rumors that elders wanted to get rid of her and that she was forced to undertake her last mission, even though she had retired as a kunoichi after having Yuki. That mission ultimately led to her demise.

Madara had discussed these issues with them in one of the meetings, but Tajima dismissed it. It was worrying because it was evident that Senju's were becoming richer. A clan's power and significance were not just measured by their strength in battles, but by their wealth as well.


But unexpectedly, she did manage to change the financial situation of the clan. Yuki studied and proposed new business tactics and within a year her efforts reaped results. But Father never acknowledged her, nor did he let her into missions. He stopped her training entirely when she turned 13.

[Flashback ends]




Though Tajima was strict, he did spent his time with his sons, but never with Yuki. He only summoned her to inform her about some guests. Izuna could easily count the number of times their father has talked to her in his fingers. She didn't even have many friends since she wasn't allowed to. As the lady of the house, she could only have acquittance—to strengthen the alliances and manage the finance. 

Then there were these elders.They didn't like how she was interfering with the clan finances just like her mother, which is why they want her to marry and leave the clan as soon as possible. 

'Amidst all this, she acts so carelessly.'  He sighed.

He pulled himself out of the train of thoughts once he sensed something moving far away between the tree branches. 

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

He grabbed her hand and led her inside the estate before anyone would notice them. Once inside the old worn-out warehouse he pushed her onto the ground.


"I-I'm sorry, nii."

"Do you know what time it is?" Izuna glared at her.


"I'm asking you something!"

" Evening...?" she knew it was dark and late. But didn't know how late.

"it's past 10."


" Both me and Aniki went to your room. You weren't there. You were nowhere within the estate. Right?"

Yuki nodded slightly.

"How long will you keep this up?"

"I Will be more careful."

"Yuki. You cannot go out anymore. Aniki already knows!"

She felt a chill down her spine. Fear crept in at the thought of Madara questioning her. She didn't want to face him. She wasn't ready to face him. Not yet.




Izuna gritted his teeth at her stupidity. No matter how many times he warns her, nothing gets through her.

"I'm sorry Yuki. I can't help you this time."

"Father... Does he-"

"No. I believe he hasn't informed father yet."


Izuna silently studied Yuki's appearance. Her dishevelled hair and tired face. But what caught his attention was her attire. She was wearing someone else's cloth... A man's cloth at that.

"Yuki. Tell me what happened."


"Your silence will only get you in more trouble." he reminded her in a low voice.

"I didn't expect I would get this late."

 He ignored her reply and enquired. "why are you wearing a man's shirt?"


Exhaling, he rubbed his forehead in annoyance, "Do you even realize the gravity of this situation?"

Yuki Kept debating in her mind if she should tell him about the attack and her meeting with Hashi.

Izuna continued, "The mere fact that you... A young maiden has been sneaking out of the estate to god knows where is disgraceful, but sneaking out to meet a man is outrageous enough to disown you!"

"It's... Not like that."she meekly voiced, barely audible.

"Not like what?"

"Nii.. I, H-He helped me."

'He?' Izuna frowned. "You... Did you ruin your body? Did yo-"

"NO! I didn't!" Yuki refuted, feeling wronged.

He just stared at her for some moments, as if her reply didn't convinced him. 

"Take off that shirt."

"I- I can't."

"Take it off Yuki. Don't make me repeat myself."

"Stop commanding me! Why do you keep acting like you are my father!" she snapped back in anger.

Izuna felt something snap within him. He was holding back his anger all this time.

" No, wait! "Yuki yelped, but he didn't listen.

He grabbed her shirt and tore it off, revealing the tattered clothes underneath.

She just glared at him wide-eyed for a moment before quickly turning her back to him, finding it hard to believe how harshly he was behaving towards her.

"why..?" Izuna stared at her exposed back in confusion.

"Some men attacked me... They..." Yuki hesitated, her voice slightly quivering.

Izuna felt his blood boil. His knuckles turning white as he tried to suppress his anger. 'How dare those pests try to harm my sister!'

She was about to turn back, but a pair of arms pulled her into a firm embrace. His warmth seeping into her back.


─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

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