
Decrepit Demon Lord

Just as I prepared myself for the biggest jumping of my life, suddenly, Leviathan, in the very far distance opened his mouth. His throne world which I had initially thought was the peak of his power… had only been sidestepped by yet another powerful display of divinity. 

"[Throne World: Wormhole]. Condition Set. Strength Against Weakness. Condition Set. Favored in Stronger Demonic Energy." 

Everything changed. From his surroundings to the enveloping mana distinctly pronunciating the edge of each and every single throne world erupting through the vicinity. It was a disturbing and chilling sight that brought a drop of sweat to dribble down his forehead. 

"I knew it…" Orion smirked. 

"Knew what?" 

"That something like this would turn out… unfortunately, I don't have any countermeasure." 

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