
Volume 6 - Chapter 9 - Putting an end to the matter...

|Morning of November 9th – 1249 – Camp on the banks of the Tigris River – Attila|

The river was in a pitiful state. It looked like a cursed river capable of killing anyone who tried to cross it.

The river had a peculiar colour, a mixture created from the black of the pitch and the red blood of all the dead soldiers who were burned.

A horrifying scene. In any case, this first Mongol assault was repelled.

The Sultan approached me and said:<<I don't know how we managed to get through, but in the end, did it>>

<<True, now they will be afraid to set foot in this river>>

<<Using pitch was a dirty move, dishonourable action, but we had no other options>>We were both looking at the opposite bank, expecting a reaction from our enemies.

<<What do you think will happen now?>>the Sultan as

ked me.

<<It's too early for conclusions; let's see what they do>>

As I was saying this, on the other side of the river, Batu himself was making a gesture with his hands.

He gestured in such a way as to communicate that we should return to the small island where we had met last time.

Reluctantly, we made it clear that we had received the message.

We began to organize ourselves to somehow reach the island by noon.

Fortunately, we had a small boat that had been brought to the shore before it burned.

Once we reached the island this way, the Mongols did the same.

Finally, we could confront the Khan again.

|Morning of November 9th – 1249 – Camp on the banks of the Tigris River (on the island) – Attila|

This time, the Khan unexpectedly brought his famous wife of Russian origin.

This time, there were no chairs, no tables, nothing at all.

<<Surely I didn't expect this; you really surprised me. knew that in the West, use of pitch was quite common, but it had property setting water on fire…>> said the Khan.

We remained silent.

<<Don't you feel even a little ashamed of having used such vile tactic?>>

I took the floor: <<You have fought wars and you a lot of experience, yet still haven't realized one thing. When mouse is cornered, it will try to attack you. In our case, the same. Do many more soldiers than us? Well, then, since we are at disadvantage, use everything can (especially ingenuity) turn situation around. This not game; lives thousands human beings stake. You decided invade us; therefore, must simply accept>>

<<With words, you are very good, but the reality is different. Despite suffering significant losses compared to you, I still have a military force capable of defeating you. If, for example, decided send all my soldiers into battle right now cross river where there no pitch, would be able do nothing>>

<<Please, if you want other men to be burned alive, who am I stop it?>>

This is a total bluff.

We have run out of pitch because the Sultan, seized by panic, poured it all out last night.

So we have no more supplies to cover other parts of the river.

<<Hmm, you prepared up to this point>> replied the Khan.

He turned towards his side fo the river and gestured with his hands as if indicating to stop something.

Apparently, he wanted to attack us during a diplomatic meeting; what a bastard.

Batu turned toward us, sighed, and said:<<Winter is approaching. We are too far from our supply lines. You the first who has managed to stop me "temporarily"; I have give you credit for that. Unfortunately you, will not let go. For various reasons, must destroy you; in fact, Attila. and your kingdom succumb; it was choice of kurultai great blue sky>>

<<Isn't it enough that you have created a hell on the river? There been far too many deaths, in my view. How about resolving everything with game of chess, is anything but casual, where players' skills are evaluated? I know it's very boring and ridiculous way to end this war, still better than continuing fight>> said the Sultan.

My dear Sultan perhaps forgot that he is talking to culturally inferior beings; they don't even know what chess is.

<<Chess? I have heard of it, but never played>> replied the Khan.


<<That's fine with me>> said the Khan's wife, who had been silent until now.

<<Batu doesn't know how to play chess, but I do. can in his place. Besides, agree with the Sultan; there have been far too many losses. A Pyrrhic victory should be a last resort>> she continued.

<<Finally, a reasonable person>> the Sultan replied to her.

However, the Khan intervened: <<No, dear, I will not place the fate of Mongol empire in your hands over a mere game. This is how certain matters should be resolved>>

<<I remind you that soon will become a father. Do want your son to grow up without you? Remember what told me few days ago? There is no way. You can rest assured, I received proper education, and I've been playing chess since was child. take both kingdoms batting an eye>>

Very confident, this woman.

But things are looking grim.

These days it is well known that, in general, the Russian population is very cultured when it comes to chess.

If this woman is telling the truth, then it's a problem.

But this makes no difference; this is a game of maximum difficulty. So for me, it will be like playing against AI, a victory that (no matter how good I am at chess) is impossible.

I need to prevent this game from happening

<<No >> I said.

<<No what, Attila? Do you really want to spill more human blood?>> the Sultan said to me.

<<Yes, but don't worry. Only one will die>>

<<Yes, I agree, rookie. Only one must die, namely the who likely brought pitch into battle. All my men are watching you from great blue sky, filled with revenge for your meanness>> said the Khan.

<<Well, then it's time to let them witness another horrible spectacle. That is: it only takes serving the wrong person die in vain>> I replied.

<<Wait! Batu, don't give in to provocation! Let's resolve everything with those damned chess!>> shouted the Khan's wife.

<<Enough, stop making a scene! I brought you along only because asked me to, now be quiet! How little faith do have in me?! Do think can't beat that kid? hope you're joking!>> he yelled at her.

Perfect, she took the bait like a fish on a hook.

<<But… >>

<<Enough! Be quiet and go away!>>

<<But I told you have a bad feeling! He'll use some other dirty trick!>>

No, I would never do that...

<<Even if he does?! Let him! You're asking me to do something that could dishonour the Mongol Empire forever! I've had enough! Go away, I told you!>>

<<Exactly, go away, both of you, you and the Sultan. We'll take care resolving issue as it should be done>> I said, looking at the Sultan as well.

<<Attila, don't you trust me enough to let play a game of chess?>>

<<Yes, I trust you. But can't risk my nation. Especially if your opponent is her>>

<<Well, are you indirectly telling me that you'll face the Khan in a duel? But he's three times your size and has combat experience!>>

<<Yes, but at least I'm sure I have everything under control>>

<<But the same was true for me, wasn't it?>>

<<Look, it's in your best interest if I die, you know. Because true you'll have to face the Mongols alone, but once over, or small chance drive them back, take my kingdom without opposition. So that risk life now. So, let me handle this>>

The Sultan looked at me with a worried expression but decided to relent.

<<Okay, I'll leave everything in your hands>>

He took his leave and returned to the boat.

In the meantime, the Khan was able to get his wife off the small island.

Finally, we were left alone, although both sides could still see us.

<<It irritates me>> Batu said.

<<What? Your wife?>>

<<No, I mean that too. It irritates me how twisted your way of thinking is. Those were blatant provocations took just because see no problem in shredding you into pieces. And yet, still seem confident can win>>

<<How about we find out at the end? As long as you make it there with your head still attached to neck understand>>

With those last words, the confrontation between me and the Khan began.

I drew my sword from its sheath.

He, on the other hand, took off his stinking furs and decided to fight bare-chested.

Thanks, but I'll stick with my armour.

Batu also took his sword; it was a longer version of the Turkish saberes.

That mass of muscle began to move closer to me.

I stood firm, waiting for him.

<<What are you doing, waiting for me?>>

<<Of course>>

Once I answered, he quickened his pace until he was in range and threw a quick strike aimed at my legs (the trajectory from above downwards).

I just needed to use my sword as a guide to manipulate his sword, forcing it to hit the ground.

Realizing this, he stepped back.

<<I see, since you have more advanced sword techniques in the West, think can beat me because of those?>>

I remained silent.

In fact, I gestured with my hand for him to come at me.

It was very satisfying to see his expression; he wanted to kill me, but at the same time, he was holding himself back to avoid acting impulsively.

<<If you won't come, then I will>> I told him, starting to walk toward him.

<<Let's try again then>> he replied, attempting to swing again.

This time he aimed for another downward strike but tried to cut my arm where I held the sword.

Maybe he thought he could defeat me by removing my ability to use my skills with the sword.

Despite the speed of his strike, I managed to dodge it with a quick lateral jump.

After all, it's always the same story: a big opponent thinks he has the advantage because of his physique.

But it's "physics" itself (the science of it all) that proves him wrong.

His sword struck the ground again, missing me once more.

I believe he expected that; he tried to make an upward cut, attempting to catch me off guard.

Nothing could be simpler; I simply kept his sword pinned to the ground with my foot.

As he realized it wasn't so easy to lift the sword, he aimed to cut my hand.

With reflexes I didn't expect, he let go of the sword and hopped back.

He was left empty-handed.

I quickly grabbed his sword and threw it into the pitch-filled river.

The Khan looked at me, astonished: <<So not only do you disarm me, but also throw my weapon into the pitch?>>

<<Exactly >>

<<Well, don't worry. I only need my hands to take you out>>

I started chuckling; not only had I disarmed him with ease, but he was still trying to act tough.

Seeing me laugh, his expression changed; it became grim and serious.

I raised my hand and snapped my fingers.

Rasha, from my side of the river, shot a flaming arrow into the river so that the pitch could start burning again.

Sure, it would burn less, but enough to finish my job.

The little island was large enough to have clean air in the centre, and anyway, we weren't inside a building, so the toxic gases produced by the combustion weren't that dangerous (they're still dangerous, but it's not the same as breathing them all in like being in a burning building).

So not only had I disarmed him, but I had also trapped him.

There it was, that macabre smile that always comes to me in such situations.

<<Okay, I understand. With a sicko like you, there's no more joking around>> said the Khan, perhaps realizing the situation he was in.

I needed to exploit the advantage of still being armed.

I began to move closer to him.

Every time I was within striking distance, I pushed Batu further toward the edge of the island.

After a few strikes, the Khan realized he had to react, or he would die.

Just after dodging my last swing, he grabbed my wrist with both hands, trying to squeeze it.

With my other hand, I took hold of his neck, applying force that I didn't believe I had.

It was probably an effect of adrenaline.

As soon as he realized I was willing to choke him, I would give up the wrist he was holding, he decided to try to pry my grip on his neck loose with one hand, thinking it would be sufficient.

Unfortunately for him, it wasn't enough; he needed both hands.

He decided to abandon the wrist in the hand that I held the sword and used both hands to try to pry himself away from me.

At that point, with my other free hand, I slashed his left leg obliquely.

I let go of my grip, allowing him to fall to the ground.

He held back a scream.

Once he was immobile on the ground, it was time for the final blow.

But surprisingly, he rolled to dodge it.

Since he had lost a leg, the only way to move was using his arms.

It was a truly pathetic scene, watching a man revert to crawling (well, three-legged in his case).

From then on, I enjoyed making little cuts on his body, knowing that every time I attempted a big blow, he did everything to avoid it.

<<Enough, truly enough. I can't stand watching a mass of muscle hopping around on three legs. What do you think about dying?>>

He knelt down (on the one leg he had left) and replied:<<Okay, I surrender. Let's end this>>

<<Finally, you've made up your mind>>

Once I reached him, I raised my sword to the sky.

<<Batu! Batu! Whatever is happening over there, don't give up! Do you understand?! I would never forgive you!>> it was the voice of his wife.

Batu, who just a second before had accepted his fate, regained courage and, with both hands, tried for one last time to grab me.

This time, he caught me by the hips, just below the stomach.

He tried to put pressure on those points where you can feel sharp pain (so in the kidneys if I'm not mistaken).

But I didn't give him even the time to create sufficient pain.

With my sword, I plunged it deep from shoulder to inside.

He lost strength in his arms.

"Batu! Batu! Respond!" his wife continued to shout.

<<I must admit you're a dangerous guy, I admit…>> said the Khan in pain.

<<You've defeated me; I deserve death. Even though you're a despicable being, still ask you to leave my wife and army alone, let them return their homeland…>>

I leaned toward him and smiled:<<Batu, maybe you don't understand, but let me explain in these final conscious moments that have left. You've done nothing dance the palm of my hand. Despite your numerical superiority, you've shown arrogance and failed to manage army. I've already alerted all rebellious cells within entire Mongol Empire (at least Eurasian part), they will rise up, driving out for good. Your army never return Mongolia. Nor wife; I kill her. want deal with a vengeful son yours future. passed into history as failure, everything hold dear perish>>

<<You… you… are a monster…>>

Those were the last words of Batu Khan, perhaps the last Khan in history.

I cut off his head as a trophy.

Now I just have to wait for the fire to die down.

Update 31/08/2024:

Hello everyone, how are you? I hope all is well!

I use this space to warn you that unfortunately this month's chapter will not be released...

I'm really sorry but I had too many commitments both at work and at home.

Having said this, I reassure you and announce that to remedy this by releasing both last month's chapter and the epilogue of this volume this September. I hope that's enough to make up for it. So expect the release of the other chapter during the month.

Thank you all for your attention and continued support.

Artur_Battagliericreators' thoughts
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