

"Sigh, didn't an entire Hare fill up your stomach? Is that what that information meant when it said you were gluttonous creatures. Let's see what you guys like. Hmm… it does say you guys are carnivorous birds but not what you like to eat. Does any meat work?" he asked. 

The bird couldn't comprehend such a line of thought and didn't speak. 'System, what food do they like exactly?" he asked. For a few thousand energy he got an answer. 


"Holy… that's some taste in food you guys have," he said while feeling disgusted. "Damn, where am I supposed to find snake skins now? Do I waste the final bit of energy I have?" he wondered. 

"Whatever, system. Make a kilogram worth of snake skins," he ordered. Thankfully, that didn't cost a lot. If the snakeskin had energy in it, it might have cost a lot more, but only snake skins itself, it cost him about 2 million energy.

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