

The hospital was like the home of bees, the noise flowed in an endless stream through the hospital.

There was noise everywhere, literally from almost every corner.

Everyone was discussing the impossible that had come true that night.

Torn almost in half, all torn and bloodless…

I overcame death itself.



Location: Medical complex at the Legion of Protection "MKLZ"

Operating room No.137

The heart-rending cry of a medic who had just started working marked the triumph of life over death.

Kaligo, slightly battered, but already able to move independently, looked at the medic with incomprehension, slightly rising from the operating table.

The medic was still standing and staring in a stupor at Kaligo, who was still a cooling corpse tonight.

Kaligo got off the table, and the blood that had not yet had time to dry, thick black drops flowed over his body.

The medic screamed and, covering herself with her hands, backed away.

Kaligo, still unconscious, walked straight at the medic, which made the medic even more afraid.

Finding the door, the medic jumped out of the operating room and screamed – THERE was A MONSTER, IT DEVOURED THE PATIENT, the ALARM ran between the corridors.

Kaligo still managed to get out of the operating room, despite the veil over his eyes, Kaligo found a wall, along which he walked, leaving a black and red stripe behind him.

After a while, a group of Legion mercenaries ran up to Kaligo and surrounded him.

Kaligo did not react to the threats and the order was already given, fire to defeat.

However, Kaligo was saved from repeated death by the same captain, whom Kaligo had pulled out of the meat grinder earlier.

– Don't shoot!!! the target is not dangerous.

"That's right, Captain!!!

The captain approached Kaligo, and put his hand on his shoulder, together they reached the office of the chief surgeon who was just operating on Kaligo.

The Doctor was at a loss.

Like a body that should have cooled down long ago, still warm.

– Doc, he doesn't understand anything.

– Most likely he has amnesia, leave him here, we will give him a rest.

Kaligo was carefully seated on the bed, and then completely laid down.

Kaligo surprisingly did not resist, and soon fell asleep altogether.

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