
New Abilities

The moment that they were safely sailing away from Qarth, the city in a state of turmoil behind them, what with its leaders dead, Daenerys headed down below deck, rather than stay above. There she found Drogon, with both the sailors and her Dothraki giving her sleeping dragon a wide birth. Letting out a sigh, the silver-haired, violet-eyed Targaryen girl settles down onto her knees beside the body of her most willful child.

He still breathed at least. She could see that much, the rise and fall of his scaled chest. Slowly, Daenerys reaches out and runs her hand along it, grimacing as his head turns this way and that. He is undoubtedly the largest of her three dragons at this point. The cage she once carried him in alongside his brothers (at least, when he was willing) would no longer fit his size. A new one will have to be built, though given how Drogon is most days, she imagines it won't see any more use than the last one.

Daenerys truly doesn't know what she's going to do with him. He is loyal to her, but in no way that can be called subservient. Viserion and Rhaegal have at least shown a willingness to learn and follow commands in High Valyrian. Meanwhile, Drogon, though she knows he understands her, distinctly refuses to obey unless it's an order he WANTS to follow.

And of course, then there's the touching. If she didn't know any better, Daenerys would think her eldest dragon thought her its mate, rather than its mother. But that would be ridiculous. She might have been a Targaryen, but she was not a true dragon…

Running her hands back and forth across Drogon's underbelly, Daenerys can't help but be worried for the dragon. Surely he should have awakened by now. And yet, he'd consumed more than half of Pyat Pree's charred corpse before succumbing to whatever negative affect eating the Warlock had had on him. Shade of the Evening… in large doses, it could be bad, Daenerys knew that much.

But then, was eating someone saturated in the stuff a large dose or a small dose? Ultimately, what would happen to Drogon as a result of consuming the warlock's body?

Unknowingly, Daenerys is broadcasting her worry and trepidation out to anyone with even half an ounce of psychic ability. Of course, normally that would not matter out here in the middle of the Sea. None of her Dothraki were mind readers and Ser Jorah Mormont certainly wasn't one. But then, the dragon that she's currently making skin contact with is swiftly becoming something more than he was before.

Mate. Desire. Lust.

Daenerys' stiffens as she feels sensations that are not her own run through her body, her mind, her very soul. The violet eyed woman is confused for a moment, until she feels a pair of inhuman eyes on her. Looking down, Daenerys finds herself caught in Drogon's gaze. Her willful child has woken and he's looking at her with a very specific type of hunger in his eyes. But how? How does she know what he's thinking when she could never truly read the creature before?


A sort of rumbling purr leaves her eldest dragon's throat as he rises and moves towards her.

Pleasure. Mate.

"No Drogon! Now is not the time!"

Before he can get any closer, she holds up a hand. It actually works, her words and her physical barrier stop him as he blinks and cocks his head to the side.


"I can… I can feel you. In my head. This is amazing. Can you feel me?"

The growing dragon stiffens at that, even as Daenerys attempts to push out all of her love and adoration and satisfaction with her 'child' towards him. His eyes shift from side to side for a moment and his long tongue snakes out, sliding across his many sharp, pointed teeth. He ducks his head after a moment and then leans forward to bump her in the chest with the top of it.

"You can feel me… how can this be?"

Confusion. Hunger.

Of course. Drogon is many things, but in the end, he is still just a dragon. Daenerys smiles sardonically.

"Right, sorry. You're hungry, aren't you? Well, for now we've got some meat for you… but soon you're going to have to start going hunting yourself Drogon. We're out at sea now, on our way to Astapor. Where we will go after that, what we will do next… I know not. But that is our destination, for now at least."

She doesn't know how much Drogon understands of what she's saying. He looks at her lazily, but there's nothing more that comes across this new bond of theirs beyond his hunger for food. With an airy laugh, feeling on top of the world, Daenerys Targaryen rises to her feet and guides her growing dragon up to the top deck in order to feed.

One day, she will be on top of the world. Drogon will carry her there.


So that happened. Eating Pyat Pree was maybe a mistake? It'd definitely left me out of the rest of the Qarth shenanigans, and it'd fucked me up something fierce until Daenerys' emotions or thoughts or feelings had torn through my dreamy stupor. I couldn't honestly remember all that I'd dreamed about. Pretty crazy shit was the general impression I got when I tried to think back to it, but it was all just one big haze in the end.

On the other hand, I just couldn't quite bring myself to regret eating the druggie warlock. Somehow, it'd opened up my mind enough that I could now push my emotions and vague senses of my desires onto those around me. Daenerys had initially thought it was a bond between the two of us, but when Jorah had stood just a little too close to my 'mother' in my presence, my ever-diminishing Drogon half had sent a spike of anger towards the Exiled Knight before I could catch it.

Jorah had gone down on one knee from the vehement emotion slamming into his mind and I'd gotten the smallest of scoldings from Daenerys before she idly commented that Jorah should probably stay a respectable distance back to avoid angering me. Yeah. Fuck you Jorah.

Regardless, now we were almost there. I could see Astapor in the distance, even as I flew a hundred feet or so above Daenerys' head. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm flying now? Fucking fantastic. I could fly pretty early on, but I was kind of a huge coward. Becoming a baby dragonling that could get shot out of the sky by a single fucking arrow had kept me grounded.

Now that, after a month at sea and plenty of fish to consume in the waters that surrounded our ship, I was nice and big. Over twice the size of my siblings by this point, I was actually almost as big as a small pony… or Daenerys herself. Still had some little ways to go though. I was going to be the biggest motherfucker that ever lived if I had anything to say about it… which I did.

My incredible eyesight suddenly catches something swimming fast through the waters below. Without a second thought, I swoop down and disappear beneath the waves. I've done this move a hundred times now, and by this point, I've damn near perfected it. As such, even as my jaws close around one fish, my back claws latch onto two more from the school that I'm quite literally ripping apart.

I come out of the water triumphantly, three wriggling snacks in my grasp. The first to go is the one in my jaws, as I spit it out, roast it in midair, and then catch it in my maw again, all in one smooth move. Damn I'm good. The other two follow once I'm done swallowing down the first, tossed up above my head and burned just as swiftly.

By the time I come in for a landing, I'm chewing and swallowing the last charred fish. I'm too big for the ship's railing, so I have to land on the deck itself as Daenerys approaches with a wide smile on her face and Ser Jorah follows her at a small, cautious distance. Good boy.

"They're growing fast…"

That's Jorah of course, and while my mother's smile widens a bit, there's something else in her eyes as I nuzzle into her hand and then past it to bump against her chest.

"Yet only Drogon grows fast enough… I cannot wait for Viserion and Rhaegal to match him and my ancestor conquered the Seven Kingdoms with three dragons, didn't he? I need an army."

As Jorah and Daenerys begin to discuss the Unsullied, I bump into my 'mother' a bit more and she sighs, settling down onto her knees as she continues to speak to the exiled knight. I lay my head in her lap greedily, mindful of those watching us. If we were alone, I'd be up under her dress right now, doing things with my tongue that would have her screaming. As it is, there hasn't been time for any such privacy on the ship unfortunately.

Still, I've kept up with Daenerys' training with moments like this. Even as she speaks to Jorah about the slave soldiers they will find in Astapor, she absently strokes my scales, her smooth palm sliding down the back of my head as her other hand scratches at the underside of my chin. I'm not sure she truly realizes she's doing it. Or if she does, she's accepted her lot in life as my personal chin-scratcher at this point.

Now if only I could get her to accept everything else I have in mind for her. Still, if things go as they should in Astapor, I'll have my chance to extract… concessions. My lips curl back and I bare my sharp teeth as I contemplate what is to come. This will be fun.


The time finally arrives after Daenerys' second meeting with the Good Master Kraznys mo Nakloz. It was amusing to think that in another life, I'd written a story in which he did the smart thing and simply enslaved Daenerys where she stood, killing me and my brothers before we could become true threats. He would then go on to break Dany's mind in my story, making her the perfect obedient sex slave.

Hm that wasn't the only story where I'd done something similar either, ironic how so many of my story ideas in my past life involved killing the dragons and enslaving the woman I was now intent on making sure stayed Queen. Focusing on the here and now however, I watch through lazy eyes as my 'Queen' approaches. Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is understandably nervous as she walks up to me. Though to her credit, she shows none of her trepidation outwardly. The two knights that follow her, the slave girl at her side… they probably sense nothing. Well, not until her voice cracks just a bit.

"Ser Selmy. Ser Mormont. L-Leave us."

There is a pause, but neither of the men question her as they bow and depart from the courtyard in which I've essentially made my nest. Missandei, dark-skinned beauty that she is, stays silent and out of the way as Daenerys comes to a stop only a foot away from me and kneels down. I stare at her with one draconic eye and for good measure, I blow out a puff of black smoke. Daenerys shudders, as if taking this as confirmation.

"You can feel it, can't you? My guilt and shame. I am sorry Drogon, but you must understand that what I do is for both of us, not just myself."

I snort at that and finally rise. Missandei gasps at my full size and takes a step back, but Daenerys does nothing as I wind a circle around her, just big enough to do so, though not big enough to fully encompass her in my body yet. As I do so, I push my emotions onto her. I focus on confusion and interest and sexual hunger, the last one being something that I always try to keep in her mind when we're this close together.

"I've… I've sold you my beloved. To a slaver."

Even as she speaks, I can feel her emotions launch back at me. She's trying, poorly I might add, to convey her plans to me through vague sensations and feelings. Her actual plan is to take control of the Unsullied and betray the Good Masters and all of Astapor. She does not intend to actually sell me, but with Missandei still an unknown factor, Daenerys does not dare say this out loud.

Another snort leaves my snout and another black puff of smoke leaves my maw, washing over Daenerys' face. At the same time, I send my own emotions back at her. Understanding and trust… but also an extra helping of sexual desire. I angle myself so that my next action is hidden from the dark-skinned slave that Daenerys has technically used me to 'purchase', and then I rub my growing draconic cock against my mother's body for the first time.

The silver-haired young woman stiffens, gazing down at me with violet eyes filled with shock and concern. But after a moment, she shudders once more and then nods.

"Leave us."

Thanks to me, all that Missandei can see is the back of Daenerys' head and her hunched in shoulders.

"Your Grace, a-are you sure you'll be alright?"

That gets a huff of laughter from my mother.

"There is nowhere I am safer, than in my child's embrace Missandei. And if I were not safe here, you would be no more capable of saving me then my knights. Go. It will be fine."

I watch the beautiful young woman bow her head to Daenerys' back and depart. Then, I brush the underside of my neck against the back of my mother's neck, and begin to push her down. She obeys like the good, conditioned mate that she is. My cock rises in anticipation and a moment later, Daenerys Targaryen's full, pouty lips open up to take the first bit of my ridged draconic length in between them.

It is clear that she has no experience with this, but I send her satisfaction and pleasure in equal amounts and that seems to galvanize her into action as her movements become more enthusiastic, her own desire to please me radiating back out into my mind. Her hands come up and she strokes my thick length in the same way she might stroke my belly or my scales. Her tongue swirls around the tip of my member and her lips slide back and forth as she takes more and more of me into her mouth.

She doesn't get much before she hits the back of her throat though, and I'm not quite interested in face-fucking what might as well be a blushing virgin. While Daenerys certainly had enough sex with Drogo to know how it worked, the joys of oral, especially with a dragon, was not something I could reasonably expect her to have experience in.

It was as much a learning experience for my young mother as it was a pleasurable encounter for me. I growled and I purred, and for good measure I fed Daenerys all of the pleasure I was feeling as she continued on. With her hands and her mouth, the woman I'd conditioned to become my mate brought me to completion. My cum finally spilling out only serves to surprise her though. Daenerys rears back with wide violet eyes and only gets a face full of dragon seed for her trouble, as my ejaculate spurts all over her beautiful features, her silver hair, and even her covered chest.

By the time I'm done, her dress is ruined. But then, I'm just a dragon, so what do I care? I do watch as she tastes a bit of my seed and then a bit more. I'm intrigued when she outright devours my cum right there on the spot. Is dragon cum addictive? Now wouldn't that be a fucking treat…

Eventually, Daenerys has cleaned herself up as best she can. When she's ready to depart, she moves in and hugs me around my neck.

"Soon, we'll topple this awful city to the ground Drogon. You and me, together."

I nuzzle her back and purr my agreement, sending my desire to burn and consume across to her mind. She tenses as my emotions no doubt translate into rather gory mental images, but then she smiles a not-at-all nice smile and stands up.


And then she leaves. I watch her go, my eyes mostly focused on her shapely ass as it appeared ever so briefly in the curve of her dress with every sway of her hips. One hole down. Two more to go.

I was going to tap that ass before the end came, that much was for sure.


Judgment Day. I remain docile as Daenerys in the large wooden cage that Daenerys has me transported to the arena in. I could easily break free and burn the whole place to the ground, but eye on the prize and all that rot. Even now, I see the lines of Unsullied. Even now I hear Kraznys speaking and Missandei translating his words to Daenerys.

Oh man, the fuckers have no idea that she can speak Valyrian. I almost forgot about this part! It's really, honestly, a highlight of this whole arc. Kraznys has been talking so much fucking shit right to Daenerys' face this entire time. And he never knew that my mother was absorbing every word of it. His attitude no doubt influenced her decisions just as much as his callous and cruel actions. But then, a man of Kraznys' position had to be callous, cruel, and very mean spirited, in order to do what he did to other humans.

The door to my cage suddenly opens and I can't help my very human-like grin as Daenerys takes me by my leash and leads me out of the cage. I also can't help preening just a bit as I feel hundreds of eyes on me. I'm even longer than Daenerys is tall at this point, and my tail swishes back and forth behind me as people gasp in shock and stupefaction at seeing a real-life dragon for the first time.

Daenerys passes the end of my leash to Kraznys mo Nakloz. Kraznys in turn passes a whip with a harpy-shaped hilt. This symbolic gesture is the end of the transaction, right then and there. These idiots really should have had a contract written up instead. But hey, I probably would have burned it up if they'd been that smart, yet still stupid enough to deal with dear old mom.

Sucks to suck fuckers. Kraznys is trying to pull me somewhere as Daenerys does her little language trick, but I steadfastly refuse to move from my spot on the ground now that my mother is no longer holding the leash. The Good Masters finds a half-grown dragon much harder to dislodge than an unruly slave as he pulls ineffectually at the leash.

And then comes the most beautiful moment.

"Tell the bitch that the dragon is not obeying my commands!"

Before anyone else can say a word, Daenerys turns to look at Kraznys and I, though her violet eyes are mostly locked with my own golden gaze.

"A dragon is not a slave."

It's in that moment that Kraznys stops tugging at my leash as the bald fucker realizes that he's been played. It's also in that moment that I steal just a bit of Daenerys' show, though she'll never know it. Now that Kraznys is no longer pulling, it's my turn. I tug sharply and the idiotic man comes with the end of the leash, pulled off the ground with a yelp as he lands at my clawed feet. Our eyes meet for a brief moment, even as Daenerys begins to shout out her canon orders to the Unsullied legions before her. Then, I'm roasting the Good Master alive with dragon fire, and he's in turn screaming in agony as he burns to a crisp.

The fighting begins all around me, but I'm far too focused on eating Kraznys mo Nakloz. Luckily, there's nothing magical about him… or the ten other slavers that I manage to cook and consume before the day is done. Some are alive when I get to them, some are already dead. It makes no difference. I eat and I eat and I eat and Daenerys' new Unsullied show themselves to be quick learners as they leave me to my constant meals.

By the time I am finished, I feel nice and bloated. Meanwhile, my mother has had her own far more minor accomplishment. Astapor is sacked and she now has an army with which to retake the Seven Kingdoms. Of course, I know better than that. We're far from done here in Slaver's Bay, unless I endeavor to change things dramatically.

Hm. Should I? Now there's an interesting thought.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

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