A dazed Neatwit was borderline crying when Jhonny caught him in the net and offered him a MAX HP potion for his red health.
Neatwit said " S-sir Jhonny? "
Jhonny said " It's alright lad , all part of Shakuni boys plan , heal up the real battle is yet to start ".
Neatwit was a little shocked to see the army around him as an unprecedented determined look replaced his sullen expression.
Jhonny asked " How many are left on that side? "
Neatwit looked down and spoke with anger " I- i was the last one , it's only the guildmaster now.
My HP was at 3% , i had to jump or i would have died ... I saw vice guildmaster die and guildmaster is being clobbered by their demon general and what looks like a burnt SMG that traitor.
I did not want to run sir Jhonny , but it was flee or death for me, I'm ashamed ".
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: