Rudra's Swift victory raised red flags for demons throughout hell and Lucifer especially was on high alert.
Supply lines had been set up from the camp outside the village of no return till the town of gates, as the forces of death were spread out throughout this region taking control and building temporary residences.
Lucifer had already mobilized forces to the eastern front once it was confirmed that the army of death was moving from the eastern province , however recalling his forces from the north , west and south and then making them March down towards the east required time.
The closest response unit took a time of three days to reach the capital city while the last one's arrived at day 7.
Lucifer restructured the defenses from the other regions and packed every single town and city that was yet to be conquered from the town of gates till the capital city with troops and heavy arms and started to evacuate citizens.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: