Rudra sent Neatwit alongside SMG ahead to the village before the rest of the group to create a diversion for the actual attack.
While Neatwit and SMG took a more direct path, Rudra sent Karna alongside Jhonny and 10 other tier 4 generals towards a longer western flank whereas he himself waited a bit before engaging.
The village after the village of no return was called the village of no rain. It was a barrenland that was rumored to be full of greenery aeons ago and until the death of a cursed creature on the fertile land turned the soil barren.
Soon the vegetation died and alongside the vegetation so did the cycle of annual rainfall as now it had been over 30 years since a single drop of rain graced the village.
The reason why Rudra did not rush into the second village madly as he did for the first one was because the alarms had been set off.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: