
A love affair

Rudra hardly spent time with family once the announcement was made and with his mom and dad knowing that he was out of his pod for a meeting with Ethan Grey they insisted him for having lunch together. 

At the table , Neatwit , Naomi , Max , Mr.rajput and Mrs rajput were all present as Rudra found the atmosphere extremely awkward. 

Although the table was blessed with good food the heavy mood made it taste bland as the two parents of Rudra made an heavy announcement to be made. 

Papa Rajput said " Rudra me and your mother have talked , and decided that we don't want to play Omega. 

The world is changing too fast and we are too old to change alongside it . Even if the mana influx kills us both we are ready for it , however we beleive that we want to live happily for as long as we live and live like ourselves. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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