The merchant ship was only the beginning , the further the group walked the more sunken ships they found.
Rudra did not want to waste time in Pillaging ships hence he avoided boarding on any of them and continued moving forward , however when the group reached a particularly large ship wreckage , they heard a sinister laugh .
" Hehehehehe hehehehehe " .
Instantly all weapons were drawn , however due to there being extremely limited visibility in the ancient ruins , the group was not able to discern enemy location.
Thankfully they had Karna alongside them , who used his minds eyes to scan the terrain ahead , however he found no signs of life whatsoever.
" No signs of life boss , can be the dead ". Karna said as Rudra nodded , his knowledge of game meta told him that in such places the only two type of monsters could be pirate skeletons or pirate ghost souls.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: