
The fall of Nineclouds kingdom (1)

Chaos and lawlessness had gripped Whitecloud city as the 13 th day under martial law had seen the complete depletion of the strategic grain reserve.

The provisions were initially only enough for 7 days , if 2 time meals were provided , however the government already cut that in half to prolong the time duration to 13 days , however even then with no new food supplies coming in , the situation turned grim as the city ran out of food reserves. 

A massive riot broke out at the granary as people waiting in lines for hours were told to go home without food as the reserve was down to 0 . Which led to thousands of commoners revolting , most of them men , as the military had to roll in to bring the situation under order. 

The riots turned into a bloodbath as the military mercilessly cut down all those unfortunate to cross paths with them , as an animosity was built amongst the commoners against the status quo following this incident. 


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