
The Elites are ready

Rudra thought long and hard about the choices he had .... And it finally came down to these four choices for him to make . 

In the Normal skill reward , the doubt was between Sonic kick and Knight's courage .... However upon further thought Rudra decided that although the sonic kick was a better fit for him ... The knight's courage was actually a party buff skill , usefull for the entire guild. 

Hence , putting the Guilds interest before his own ... He decided to choose the knight's courage skill. 

However the tougher decision was the one to be made between Skyfall and Mana legion . Although Skyfall was a broken skill that was a way to level a playing field by causing a genocide. 

However , the time restriction on the skill was just a big red flag for Rudra. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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