
Even with a broken arm

Mikey was an orphan who survived on the streets of Tokyo alone. Only educated till 8 th grade from a government school , he was not like most present in the list of recruits. 

The one with the highest player level of the entire bunch . Mikey was a Bonafide street fighter. Surviving three knife stabbing events and growing up on the rough . He was seemingly the perfect candidate for SMG's troop , but there was but a simple problem 

Mikey's class was not assassin or theif. Playing the paladin class he was not suitable to join SMG's group , but too talented to pass on. Hence SMG specially scouted him into the Karna's department. 

With noone ever to discipline him , and him growing on the rough , he was naturally not polite and refined in his mannerisms. However he was not a bad guy . He respected the strong and especially the Elites who he saw as his heroes and was genuinely happy to become a part of the guild. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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