
First event

Rudra cut off all communication with the guild members once he teleported back to the guild hall. Before going for levelling , he gave Neatwit a small fist bump and told him all the best for the coming event. 

Then he went off on his mount towards the levelling grounds. Rudra although farming mobs , was actually just warming up , training his reflex and getting the exp at the same time. 

He was getting in the frame of mind to fight hordes and hordes of monsters. Rudra had matured over the one month of training , beat the clock challenge was not about climbing the tower with the most speed , it was about going the farthest. 

He would not recklessly climb floors anymore , he would take every bit of rest he could get , his plan being to climb one floor at a time. 

Overall , there were 5 main contenders including him according to his memory for the 3 medal spots , with parallax being a favourite , while Neatwit being a strong contender . 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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