The party continued in fulll force as Legolas and Gimli could be seen constantly bickering , apparently Legolas having 8 times more kills than Gimli did , hurt Gimli's pride a lot , however Legolas's pride was also hurt , because he did not have 10 times more kills than Gimli, hence both kept constantly bickering.
Drunk Gimli said " You elf only know , ( Hiccup ) , how to shoot ( Hiccup) , arrows , you don't fight like a real man , you fight like a elf ".
Legolas , who was also a bit flushed replied " You have no grace , no class , just a uncouth barbarian , be grateful that I Legolas the first commander of Elven division defeated you! ".
It seemed like things would spiral out of control , as Gimli raised his hand in fury , but instead of hitting Legolas , he smashed it on the table and said " Come , let's arm wrestle , it's a real man's sport".
Cheers could be heard all around them , as troops from both sides encouraged the fight!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: