Rudra had a hard time with the officials of the Church , however he had somehow gained over 5000 reputation points with the Church of Light as a result. 3000 more and he could be promoted to the position of Honorary Cardinal! Then he could mobilize paladins under the Church's banner.
He had no interest in becoming a Cardinal though , it was not worth working towards , he would let nature take its course with this one , if in the future he would cross paths with a quest that raised his reputation with the Church , then he would take it. But he would not go out of his way to earn the missing reputation points.
The first division under Legolas had been ordered to mobilize in 3 days time. They would arrive in Purplehaze city 5 days later. That was the perfect time , as according to Rudra's reincarnation knowledge , only a week was left untill the conquest of cities started.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: