Rudra took a party of seven members , Himself , Orochimaru , Karna , Medivh , Rhino , MonkeyKingEnma And Neatwit with him for levelling in the level 40-50 wild map , the village of Trolls.
Ever since the party set out on the Grey mounts. They were a talking point of everyone in the city , and throughout the journey , everyone turned to look at the party passing , until they finally reached the levelling map.
The first few trolls were easy to kill , as everyone warmed up a little , the party composition was sort of balanced with one knight. One swordsman , one mage , one tank , and 2 assaulters.
Rudra was not sure about Orochimaru's class , however he knew the guy was a assault type class as well , probably a barbarian .
Orochimaru was smart , he kept trying to suck up to Rudra and the party throughout the journey. Innocently asking about guild secrets like , ' woah , big brother Karna what a cool sword. Where'd you get it? '.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: