
Nestlé Crunch

The event commenced, the senior rep and instructors spoke for a while before officially beginning the badge pinning ceremony.

The badge was made of gold embedded with a picture of a phoenix and dragon coiling around each other. It was made pretty exquisitely and was said to be designed by one of the best designers in the world.

It is said that he is a member of Hades camp who graduated many years back.

He felt that they needed to commemorate being a part of the Hades Camp and thus came up with the idea of the badge which subsequently led to becoming the logo and mascot of Hades Camp.

Damn!!!! Was every member of HC (Hades Camp) so talented?

A phoenix is a mythical bird known for rising from its ashes. ... Accordingly, to ancient legend, the phoenix is a bird that cyclically burns to death and is reborn from its own ashes. For this reason, the phoenix often serves as a symbol of renewal and rebirth.

This mythical bird is a symbol of hope, renewal, rebirth, immortality, resurrection, solitude, and grace. Just like the phoenix emerges from its ashes, so can man after devastation and loss.

In the Orient, the Dragon symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, and hidden knowledge. In most traditions, it is the embodiment of chaos and untamed nature.

The picture of both the phoenix and dragon coiling around was chosen as the members of Hades Camp could capture the good essence of both the creatures while striving to achieve the characteristics of both.

The training course represents the phoenix while the life after being a member of HC represents a Dragon.

Rin and Ryan instantly fell in love with the badges.

No matter how much they denied Humans were creatures that were attracted to beauty. One had to agree, the perfectly crafted badge was indeed alluring.

The group of hazers and their leader which was Asher and his batchmates were the ones who were pinning the badges for the newly accepted members.

The freshmen were invited to the stage while the seniors pinned the badges congratulating and welcoming them to The HC.

Both sides looked happy while the audience cheered.

When it was Rin's turn, it was Asher who was going to be pinning the badge.

Asher took out the badge and started pinning it on the left side of her chest. He could hear the loud beating of her heart. He saw how she cast her eyes downwards while a tinge of red was forming on her cheeks.

Asher smiled because he was in a similar situation.

His heart was beating much faster and louder than hers. He almost felt that everyone could hear it. But thank god!! The rest were too busy to even notice his unnatural and awkward state.

He extended his hands for a shake and genuinely congratulated and welcomed her to the HC.

The senior beside him handed her the bouquet following which she shook hands with all the others on the stage before exiting and joining the audience.

After the badge pinning ceremony, it was picture time.

Students ran amok dragging each other for clicking pictures.

Very soon, the seniors and instructors were also dragged in for pictures because these people played a vital part in the training camp.

Maybe in the future, these pictures could be used to reminisce the fact that the tortures they faced here were so tough!! So how tough can life get???

The ground was filled with an air of excitement and chatter. It presented a picture of a very beautiful and exciting night.

Rin was dragged off by Maya to god knows where to click thousands of pictures. Some with her camp roommates while some with people she barely knew.

Ryan accompanied his other friends and roommates to click pictures.

Maya was very relentless in her pursuit of creating memories. She declared that she had to capture every single moment here to recall how terrible and distressing her life was.

As she ran off here and there, Rin who couldn't keep up with her, decided to step out for a breather.

She walked over to a tree, leaned against it, and took a deep breath.

Watching her surroundings she realized that she would kind of miss this place.

This was the place where she cried, fell, got up back on her feet, and resumed fighting against her fears.

Weirdly enough, this place had played a major role in building herself and also was the beginning of the understanding of the mysterious things happening around her.

"Boo!!" someone startled her.

A very handsome Asher stood in front of her with a mischievous smile.

"Fancy taking a picture with me??" Asher waved his phone before her face.

It was not a question if he was prepared with his cellphone.

Rin hid her amusement and trudged towards Asher to take a picture.

A girl slender and beautiful, a boy handsome and charming with a breathtaking smile on their faces standing side by side-It was definitely a magazine cover-worthy picture.

After taking the picture Asher slyly acquired her contact number under the guise of sending the picture.

Rin wondered if taking the picture was his real motive or getting her contact number.

He chuckled when he realized her doubts. Her face clearly showed her suspicions.

'Why is she so cute? How can somebody be so adorable'

She was still figuring out his real motive when she returned to the ground. She searched for Maya wondering whether she was worried for her as she had disappeared suddenly.

Her jaws dropped when she saw the mentioned person clicking pictures actively.

She wondered-- whether if she realized that I left?

Finally, she sighed, joining the rest to continue the celebration.


Early the next morning, even before the sun had risen, the eyes of a girl lying in the middle of a white bed fluttered open slowly, revealing a pair of bright, clear eyes. There was a faint flush on her pale flawless face, and she tilted her head to the side, she saw it was still too early.

She decided to surf through her phone. When the rays of the sun started entering the room. She started packing her stuff and woke up the rest.

After breakfast, everybody assembled in the ground one last time before leaving back to the college.

Everyone felt nostalgic but they were not reluctant to leave. Going through all this once was more than enough.

A two-hour bus drive later, they were finally back on AU grounds.

The students were excited to back and reunite with friends.

All the students were assembled back on the AU grounds.

Noises of chattering laughs, and joy could be heard.

Suddenly a loud whistle sounded halting everyone subconsciously.

"For all the freshmen who have completed their Initiation training. My hearty congratulations." Tristan's voice successfully captured their attention.

"According to AU traditions, after shedding your blood and tears you should be replenished back to health." and after passing for a dramatic effect he loudly proclaimed.

"I hereby invite all the Freshmen to the AU AFTERPARTY!!!!!!"

Loud cheers and excited gasps erupted from the crowd as the temptation of the party took its effect.

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